Mythos Klasser:

Hvis du har tenkt å velge å være mythos, må du snakke med meg først, her kan du ikke bare velge, og det er ikke sikkert at du kan være en av disse heller. Det krever mye å spille fra mythos siden, for at de er mystiske og skjulte. Noen av dem kan kreve en del make up eller kostymer, eller begge deler.

Noen av disse mythos listingene er satt opp fra 1000 AD, takk igjen til Stèphany Gesbert.


GOBLINS, Servitor Race. "You may get a bit of a shock tonight when you see us naked, though. We've gone down below to this place, to a region I won't describe to you, and to live longer we've had to… to change. You've probably heard about it in a different way, though - the toyng of the Black Goat? Gof'nn hupadgh Shub-niggurath? But the dryads and fauns and satyrs are a lot different from the calssical descriptions, so dont think youre prepared." Cthulhu Mythos forskere tror at Gobliner er "Gof'nn hupadgh Shub-niggurath", de som ber til den Svarte Geit av skogen og som har blitt ritualisert forandret av gudinnen. Gobliner (fra det greske kobalos, "rogue") er tenkt som korte vesener, men de kan vokse og ta på seg utseende til et dyr eller til og med en bris. De her fluktuerende former, skinnende svart hud, kloformede hender, og er gitt forskjellige navn avhengig av hvor de er funnet. Gobliner leve vaneligvis i hjemsøkte ruiner eller skoger. De stjeler barn, koker forgiftet mat og prøver å selge det til utenforstående reisende, og angripe forbigående, de har en tendens til å voldta. Noen ganger viser de seg i store grupper og sloss med knudrete klubber og alle former for improviserte våpen. Goblinene kjenner til gruppe ritualer som "Scarlet Circles" som river igjennom rommets virkelighet som ligner midlertidige Porter gjør, og gjør at de kan reise til avsidigs liggende steder. De har vært kjent for å sleppe the hounds of Tindalos igjenneom sirklene så de kommer inn til vår verden.

Goblins, The Thousand Young

HP: 8

Andre Navn: dusii (demoner), sylvani (skog ånder) schrats (de som skriker), fauns, satyrer, pilosi (de hårete), incubi, etc.

Våpen: Improviserte våpen, som klubber.

Panser: Har ikke naturlig panser.

Magi: Body Warping, Become Spectral, Gate

Sanity: Man mister 6 poeng hver gang man ser en Goblin.


DARK ONES, Servitor Race. "…but in the hills a still wilder and infinitely more terrible people dwelt - the Strange Dark Folk (Miri Nigri) who held the monstrous Sabbaths on the Kalends of Maius and November." - Letter, Lucius Caelius Rufus. "Thor said: 'What is this man? Why is your nose so pale? Did you spend last night with the dead? It seems to me that you have the shape of a Thurs; You were not born to have this bride'. Alviss said: 'Alviss I am called, I live under the earth, Under a rock I have my home.'" - "Edda". The Dark Ones are a race of "dwarfs" (Germanic zwerc, Norse dvergr, old English dveorg; original meaning "twisted" or "bent") that serve Loki (Nyarlathotep) and the Magnum Innominandum (the Nameless Mist). Twice a year the Dark Folk follow barbarous rites, lighting pale bonfires on remote hilltops, beating drums, and fetching humans to feed the Magnum Innominandum and "what lies within". The Dark Ones are generally encountered in groups of ten or more. Legend says the Dark Ones originally lived off the corpses of dead Great Old Ones. The Dark Ones' true shape remains a mystery, as they only survive by living as parasites "inside" dead bodies. Although the host remains dead and continues to rot, a Dark One can animate it into a parody of the living. Before the host decays into incapacity, the Dark One will find another body (or kill a living being) and "occupy" it. The Dark Ones are thus effectively shape-shifters, and despite customary belief, they are not small. On earth Dark Ones often seek the bodies of dead humans that were mummified before burial. They consequently hide in the cool and dark underworld of burial mounds, tombs and caverns that preserve their bodies best (legend wrongly assumes that daylight turns dwarfs into stone). Otherwise, the Dark Folk can be found in peat bogs or near glaciers. The Dark Ones have an unexplained bond with horses and can apparently ride them. Lacking magic (and with it any recognizable form of emotion, fear or sanity), the Dark Ones cannot exercise magic. Instead, the Dark Folk seem to be able to forge all kinds of ominous artifacts, which allow them to open Gates without spells, to animate lifeless "machines", and to modify living beings in forbidding ways. To Dark Ages humans, the Dark Folk's science would appear as magical and utterly frightening. How the Dark Ones' inferior intelligence can account for such rarities is yet another mystery, unless one adds Nyarlathotep in the balance - the Dark Folk may very well be his Million Favored Ones! Mythos deities or alien races like the mi-go often utilize the vile crafts of the Dark Ones. The myth of Germanic and Norse dwarfs living under the hills and hoarding treasures can easily be explained by the modus operandi of the Dark Ones. Still older myths seem to suggest that the Dark Folk and the Old Ones (or the Tomb-herd) may be related or even complementary. "Ancestor", "He-who-enters-the-tomb", "Buried-under-the- cairn", and "Dead-man-of-the-mound" are typical names given to Dark Ones.

DARK ONES, The Strange Dark Folk

HP: 5

Other names: miri nigri, Children of the Fire Mist,

dwarfs, black-elves, Afanc, Korr.

Weapon: any weapon

Armor: none.

Spells: none, but may possess non-magical artifacts to open Gates, to contact mythos creatures, to invoke Mist, Winds, etc., at the keeper's discretion..

Sanity loss: 2