Chapter One
   "Wake up!" Aurora jumped straight up in her bed, "What?" she asked groggily. "Get your lazy ass outta bed woman!!" Alyssa laughed. "Why? It's Saturday. I'm finding lost sleep," Aurora whined. "You should have thought about that when you were losing your sleep," Alyssa lectured. "Yes mother..." she said rolling out of her bed. "Very funny," Alyssa smiled. "Well, I'm gonna have a shower and go to work. Who's turn is it to pick up groceries?" Aurora asked. "This week it's mine. So, everything we need is on the list?" she asked. "Yup yup. Would I ever let you down?" "Yes you would," Alyssa smiled. Aurora just stuck her tongue out at her before running upstairs for her shower. After her shower, she got dressed and grabbed her bag. "Well, I'm off!" she called. "Yup, see you when you get back!"  Alyssa yelled from the living room.

    "Hey Ror," her friend Serena greeted when walked in the door of the gym she worked at. "Hey Ser," Aurora said. Serena's dad was the owner of this gym. "So why are you here so early on a Saturday? Wait...let me have a date and you want to leave work early so you can make yourself look beautiful. Am I right?" "No," "Oh my God. It's Saturday night and you don't have a date. Praise the Lord...IT'S A MIRACLE!!!!" Serena joked. "You're so funny," Aurora replied sarcastically, "No, really it's just that I want to do my work out a head of time." "Okay, I'll let you do that." "Thanks," she smiled.

    So, she started her workout on the treadmill and continued on her way. After about half an hour she finished off and went to start her shift. "Hey, guess what!" Serena exclaimed with a smile that strecthed from ear to ear.
"What?" Aurora asked. "Okay," she started excitedly, "You will never guess who just called and is coming to this very gym." "Who?" "Edge and Christian...and guess who they're bringing with them." "Who?" "Undertaker and Kane." Aurora smiled, "Cool."

    Okay, one thing to tell you. Aurora, Alyssa, and Serena are all wrestling fans. Their all time favourite wrestlers being Undertaker, Kane and The Hardy Boyz.

    "You don't seem too excited about it," Serena said disappointed. "Come on. What are the chances of them coming to this gym?" she asked in disbelief. The door opened and sure enough, in walked Edge, Christian, Kane, and the Undertaker. "I'd say the chances are pretty good," Serena smiled. "Hi,"Edge said coming up to the desk. "Hello," Serena greeted,"How can I help you out today?" "Well, for now I think we'll just be working out," Christian said. "Okay, if you need anything just ask Aurora or me," Alyssa told them. "We'll do that," Mark (the Undertaker) smiled. So, they all went along with their workouts. "Girl," Serena turned to Aurora, "I think he likes you." She shook her head, "You think everyone likes me Ser. You  have a one track mind." "Gee thanks."

    Meanwhile, Mark was talking to his best friend Glen (Kane), "What are we doing later?" "Well, why don't we go to a club or something?" Glen suggested. "That sounds good. Didn't Edge and Christian say something about a club around here?" Mark asked. "Yeah, the Odyssey or something like that?"

Aurora walked in the door to her house, "Hey Lyss. I'm home!" "Hey hey. How was your day?" Aurora laughed, "Still trying to find new ways to greet me when I come home from work, huh?" "Yup. So did anything new and exciting happen at the gym today?" "Actually, you probably won't believe me, but Edge, Christian, Kane and 'Taker were there today," Aurora smiled. "Get out!" Alyssa exclaimed. "I'm serious!" "Did you talk to them?" "Nope, I had to work and we're not allowed to bug the customers," Aurora told her, "Anyway, I am going to the Odyssey with Serena tonight. Do you wanna come?" "I'd love to but I have plans." "Yeah, okay. You have the day off tomorrow right?" Aurora asked her. "Yup." Lyss said. "Well, we'll do something tomorrow then.