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The Undertaker is shown pulling back into the arena, followed soon by Stone Cold Steve Austin. The fans cheer, and the scene cuts to ringside with Jim Ross and the King.

((Jim Ross))King, Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin got into a little trouble at that bar at the hotel! Taker in a fight, Austin had his back!

((Jerry Lawler))No, I think Austin just wanted to fight! And now they are back here! Wait! Here comes some cop cars! Uh oh! They have found Taker!

Three local police cruisers arrive at the sold-out arena, flashing their beacons and sirens. They see the Undertaker locking up his bike as they exit their cars. Six officers walk up to the Undertaker.

((Jerry Lawler))J.R., he's in big trouble! Six cops at least here to take him out! Where is Austin now?

((Jim Ross))Taker may not be able to fight out of this.

((Lt. Jackson))Undertaker, the local bar and hotel informed us of your fight. You caused fifteen hundred dollars worth of damage on that window. And all the wasted beer, broken tables and chairs, injuries, and everything else, you and Mr. Austin now are being sued for over eight thousand dollars.

((The Undertaker))That's bull(beep)! We kicked their asses, yeah, but outside! How the hell could we tearup the inside?!

((Lt. Jackson))Well, sir, how could all the damage be on the inside? The window, chairs-

((The Undertaker))Shut your face! You just told me all that! Did you see the broken glass from the window?

((Lt. Jackson))Yes, it was under all the broken tables and all the mess.

((The Undertaker))So, we're innocent! If the glass was on the inside, that means we threw him into the bar from the outside! And then we left! You want the money, I'll send the hotel a check, and I won't send that guy crap, he was in the wrong place. I've got business to take care of!

The Undertaker walks off as the cops looked stunned.

((Jerry Lawler))J.R., Undertaker just outsmarted the cops! And just walks off! He really is a badass!

((Jim Ross))Yep, and he just got by that arrest! Where is he going now! Is he coming out here? He hasn't been out in a while! But here he comes!

You're Gonna Pay has hit the PA system as the Undertaker comes out to a huge standing ovation. He walks onto the stage and raises his right hand, before walking down the ramp.

((Jim Ross))And there he is! The man taking on RVD this week on Anarchy, number one contendership for the IC title! Undertaker seems focused!

((Jerry Lawler))And these fans are all behind this man, as they always are! He's feeding off it! Now he has a microphone!

((The Undertaker))Now, I'm sure all of you just saw that! All that BS with those sorry asses back at the hotel's bar! Yeah, they got their asses whipped, but they got me in the mood to fight. But here, the cops won't come get me. I'm ready to do the exact same thing, but to someone like Rob Van Dam. Yeah, I hearya chanting for RVD, but you've noticed, that little coward ain't gonna show his face. That little coward is a punk. He ain't man enough to come out here and challenge Big Evil. Smart man. He knows not to come out after what I just did to those guys back at the hotel! Rob, you're in for a fight like no other at Anarchy! I'm probably gonna be still pissed off by then, and I'll take out all that aggression on you, son. I'm gonna let it all out, leave you lying in a huge pool of blood, and jumping all around the ring will be the last thing on your mind. You gotta be able to stand before that. And, after you get out of rehab, fixing those broke bones and (BEEP), you know where I'll be, and what I'm all about.

((Jim Ross))Taker is fired up, as he should be, King! He and Steve Austin were accused of something they didn't do!

((Jerry Lawler))Yeah, for once, he and Steve are telling the truth!

((Jim Ross))What the hell does that mean?!

((The Undertaker))Now, I've calmed down a little bit, so lemme continue. Rob, I'm telling you this, to protect you. You think you have a future here, keep your little ass backstage, like the little punk you are. If you want to risk it, you know where I'll be. If you don't come out, I'm sure to find a replacement man enough to fight. But come out, and you'll become a battered and bloody shell of yourself. If not for yourself, do it for your couple of fans. They like you, boy. I don't, but understand. I'm bringing it all. I won't hold back. That's means hell is coming, and it's coming hard. I'm coming a hundred miles an hour, and when I come, you'll feel it. Maybe not when it happens...but when you wake up in the morning. Don't try me.

The Undertaker drops the microphone and climbs from the ring and begins up the ramp to the backstage area.

((Jim Ross))King, Undertaker is as ready as anyone can get. He wants to fight right now!

((Jerry Lawler))He did a few minutes ago! It should be out of his system!


**OOC**This is a second part of the first rp. This isn't my second rp. Lemme know what you think of it.

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