Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., and international organization of college and professional men, was founded in 1914 at Howard University and has as it's principals BROTHERHOOD, SCHOLARSHIP AND SERVICE.  These princepels are exibited in the fraternity motto "Culture for Service and service for humanity". As one fo the nine predominately African-American Greek lettered organizations, Phi Beta Sigma has a membership fo over 110,000 with over 650 chapters throughout the continental United States, Switzerland and Africa.

Phi Beta sigma consist of men of dedication to enhancing and promoting systematic fellowship, African American freedom, justice, equal right, and service to America's communities.  Being both a social and service organization, Phi Beta Sigma has many programs .  Our three national programs are Social Action, Bigger and Better businesss, and Education.  In order to implement these and other programs, the fraternity works with organizations such as: The National Pan Hellenic council, The NAACP, The National Urban League, March of Dimes Birth Defect Foundation, and the National Boys and Girls Club of America .  Phi Beta Sigma fraternity is and organization that is concerned and involved in the meeting the needs of the community.

Phi Beta Sigma Faternity, Inc., was founded January 9, 1914 at Howard University Washington, DC, by three you African-American male students. The founders Honarable A. Langston Taylor, Honarable Lenoard F Morse, and Honorable Charles I Brown, wanted to organize a Greek letter fratenity that would trully exemplify the ideals of BROTHERHOOD, SCHOLORSHIP, and SERVICE.

The founders deeply wished to create and organization the veiwed itself as "a part of" the general community rather than "a part from" the general community.  They believed that each potential member should be judged by his merits rather than his family backround or affuence...without regard of race, nationality, skin tone or texture of hair. They wish and wanted their fraterniy to exist as a part of even a greater brotherhood which would be devoted to the "inclusive we" rather than the "exclusive we"

From the inception, the Founders also conceived Phi Beta Sigma as a mechanism to deliver services to the general community. Rather than gaining skills to be utilized exclusively for themselves and their immediate families, the Founders of Phi Beta Sigma held a deep conviction that they should return their newly acquired  skills to the comunities from which they come.  This deep conviction was mirrored in the Fraterities Motto "culture for service and service for humanity".

Today, eighty-five years later, Phi Beta Sigma has blossomed into an international organization of leaders.  No longer a single entity, the Fraternity has now established the Phi Beta Sigma Educational Foundation, the Phi Beta Sigma Housing Fund, the Phi Beta Sigma Credit Union, and the Phi Beta Sigma Charitable Outreach Foundation. No other Fraternity and Sorority is constitutionally bound as Sigma and Zeta.  We both enjoy and foster a mutual supportive realtionship.