"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
~Mahatma Gandhi~
This is a list of books, magazines, and websites I found helpful when researching Border Collies.  Eventually there will be links to purchase these books on
                                            Breed Books

Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds
- D. Caroline Coile, Ph.D. 
Profiles 150 of the AKC's breeds
Living with a Border Collie - ed. Dita Kilsby 
Tips of finding/raising a puppy as well as sections on different activities BCs excel at
Understanding Border Collies - Barbara Sykes
Advice on understanding and interpreting BC body language
Your Border Collie's Life - Kim D.R. Dearth
Tips on raising, health concerns etc.
Border Collies - Margaret Collier
Grooming, history, description, and behavior tips
A New Owner's Guide to Border Collies - Robyn L. Powley
Robyn has bred and shown BCs for a long time and gives a lot of information on the temperament and selecting the right BC for your lifestyle
An Owner's Guide to the Border Collies - Dr. Mary Burch
Same focus as the other books
Border Collies: A Complete Pet Owner's Manual - Michael DeVine
Quick read with most of the same information
Your Purebred Puppy: A Buyer's Guide 2nd edition - Michele Welton
Great guide on how to find the right breeder, breed, and puppy for you
The Ultimate Border Collie - Alison Hornsby
Complete guide to raising, showing, and caring for a Border Collie.  Has separate chapters on well known kennels in the USA, Great Britain, and New Zealand/Australia.

Training Books
Introduction to Dog Agility
- Margaret H. Bonham
Clicker Training for Obedience - Morgan Spector

Border Collies
- Dog Fancy "Popular Dogs" Series
Tricks & Games - Dog Fancy "Popular Dogs" Series
Training For Obedience - Dog Fancy "Popular Dogs" Series
Annual Puppies USA - Editors of Dog Fancy

Dog Fancy, Border Collies, Tricks and Games, Training for Obedience and the Popular Dogs Series are all trademarked.  Puppies USA is a  registered name.