Melee Weapons
Item Burden Value
120 4000
A dagger constructed from obsidian and cerulean colored stone.
Damage 7 - 10
Special Attributes Olthoi Slayer
Attack Bonus 12%
Speed 15
Requires Level 30 to Wield
Gold Acid Katar
92 12548
Acid Katar
Material: Gold
Tinkered 1 Times
Workmanship: 7
Damage 13 - 25
Special Attributes
Imbue: RR[A]
Attack Bonus 12%
Speed 17
Requires 400 Unarmed Combat to Wield
Gold Acid Katar, (7) craft (Gold) AcidR (1Tinks), 12.5-25 Acid,, Magic-D + 0.5% att +12% def +16%, speed 17 : Defender VI, Blood Drinker VI, Swift Killer VI, Heart Seeker VI. Dif 109, (activate) Unarmed Combat of 259, (wield) Unarmed Combat of 400, Value 12,548, 92BU
Imbued By: Mis Adventure
Brass Frost Dirk
111 7300
Frost Dirk
Material: Brass
Workmanship: 7
Damage 14 - 24
Attack Bonus 12%
Speed 31
Requires 370 Dagger to Wield
Brass Frost Dirk, (7) craft (Brass), 14.4-24 Cold, att +12% def +11%, speed 31 : Atlan's Alacrity, Major Strength, Infected Caress, Heart Seeker VI. Dif 17, Rank 10, (activate) Dagger of 342, (wield) Dagger of 370, Value 7,300, 111BU
Copper Kaskara
339 6634
Kaskara of Coordination
Material: Copper
Workmanship: 6
Damage 28 - 51
Attack Bonus 11%
Speed 28
Requires 400 Sword to Wield
Copper Kaskara, (6) craft (Copper), 28.05-51 Slashing/Piercing, att +11% def +10%, speed 28 : Defender VI, Honed Control, Major Invulnerability, Infected Caress, Elysa's Sight. Dif 151, (activate) Sword of 320, (wield) Sword of 400, Value 6,634, 339BU
Gold Katar
95 4655
Katar of Coordination
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 3
Damage 7 - 16
Attack Bonus 9%
Speed 17
Requires 325 Unarmed Combat to Wield
Gold Katar, (3) craft (Gold), 7.2-16 Slashing/Piercing,, Missile-D +1.5%, Magic-D +2% att +9% def +15%, speed 17 : Blood Drinker V, Coordination Self VI. Dif 47, Gharu Only, (activate) Unarmed Combat of 248, (wield) Unarmed Combat of 325, Value 4,655, 95BU
Silver Flaming Claw
81 10854
Flaming Claw of Endurance
Material: Silver
Workmanship: 6
Damage 8 - 23
Attack Bonus 11%
Speed 17
Requires 400 Unarmed Combat to Wield
Silver Flaming Claw, (6) craft (Silver), 7.82-23 Fire,, Magic-D +2.5% att +11% def +17%, speed 17 : Endurance Self VI, Major Defender, Infected Caress. Dif 150, (activate) Unarmed Combat of 311, (wield) Unarmed Combat of 400, Value 10,854, 81BU
Brass Frost Claw
88 1475
Frost Claw
Material: Brass
Workmanship: 6
Damage 8 - 16
Attack Bonus 5%
Speed 19
Requires 325 Unarmed Combat to Wield
Brass Frost Claw, (6) craft (Brass), 8-16 Cold, att +5% def +12%, speed 19 : Defender V, Blood Drinker V, Swift Killer V. Dif 94, (activate) Unarmed Combat of 228, (wield) Unarmed Combat of 325, Value 1,475, 88BU
Ivory Lightning Dirk
139 9193
Lightning Dirk
Material: Ivory
Workmanship: 7
Damage 13 - 22
Attack Bonus 9%
Speed 36
Requires 370 Dagger to Wield
Ivory Lightning Dirk, (7) craft (Ivory), 13.2-22 Electric, att +9% def +11%, speed 36 : Major Coordination, Swift Killer VI, Infected Caress, Elysa's Sight. Dif 158, (activate) Dagger of 321, (wield) Dagger of 370, Value 9,193, 139BU
Bronze Cestus
102 2445
Cestus of Endurance
Material: Bronze
Workmanship: 9
Damage 13 - 26
Attack Bonus 12%
Speed 15
Requires 400 Unarmed Combat to Wield
Bronze Cestus, (9) craft (Bronze), 13-26 Bludgeoning, att +12% def +18%, speed 15 : Endurance Self VI, Blood Drinker VI, Cragstone's Will. Dif 61, Aluvian Only, (activate) Unarmed Combat of 306, (wield) Unarmed Combat of 400, Value 2,445, 102BU
Gold Dirk
128 10463
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 6
Damage 13 - 21
Attack Bonus 10%
Speed 32
Requires 370 Dagger to Wield
Gold Dirk, (6) craft (Gold), 12.6-21 Slashing/Piercing, att +10% def +10%, speed 32, (wield) Dagger of 370, Value 10,463, 128BU
Gold Frost Dirk
162 508
Frost Dirk
Material: Gold
Tinkered 1 Times
Workmanship: 3
Damage 11 - 15
Special Attributes
Imbue: RR[C]
Attack Bonus 6%
Speed 40
Requires 300 Dagger to Wield
Gold Frost Dirk, (3) craft (Gold) ColdR (1Tinks), 10.5-15 Cold, att +6% def +5%, speed 40, (wield) Dagger of 300, Value 508, 162BU
Imbued By: Death's Child
Bronze Lightning Knuckles
113 553
Lightning Knuckles
Material: Bronze
Workmanship: 4
Damage 9 - 23
Attack Bonus 10%
Speed 17
Requires 400 Unarmed Combat to Wield
Bronze Lightning Knuckles, (4) craft (Bronze), 9.2-23 Electric, att +10% def +19%, speed 17, (wield) Unarmed Combat of 400, Value 553, 113BU
Missile Weapons
Imperial Topaz Slashing Compound Bow
756 17594
Slashing Compound Bow of Endurance
Material: Imperial Topaz
Workmanship: 6
Damage Bonus 125%
Speed 37
Requires 360 Bow to Wield
Imperial Topaz Slashing Compound Bow, (6) craft (Imperial Topaz), +125%, Melee-D +10%, Magic-D +1.5% (Bonus 12 Slashing), speed 37 : Endurance Self VI, Blood Drinker VI, Swift Killer VI. Dif 0, Rank 7, (activate) Bow of 259, (wield) Bow of 360, Value 17,594, 756BU
Pyreal Blunt Bow
733 15843
Blunt Bow
Material: Pyreal
Workmanship: 7
Damage Bonus 130%
Speed 32
Requires 360 Bow to Wield
Pyreal Blunt Bow, (7) craft (Pyreal), +130%, Melee-D +12% (Bonus 11 Bludgeoning), speed 32, (wield) Bow of 360, Value 15,843, 733BU
Gold Buckler
241 8476
Buckler of Strength
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 5
AL 120
Slashing 120 (1)
Piercing 96 (0.8)
Bludgeon 144 (1.2)
Fire 72 (0.6)
Cold 72 (0.6)
Acid 120 (1)
Electrical 110 (0.91)
Gold Buckler, (5) craft (Gold), AL 120 : Impenetrability VI, Blade Bane V, Minor Armor Tinkering Expertise, Strength Self VI, Frost Bane V. Dif 163, (activate) Missile Defense of 191, [1.0/0.8/1.2/0.6/0.6/1.0/0.9], Value 8,476, 241BU
750 4000
An obsidian shield enhanced to defend against the piercing attacks of olthoi.
AL 200
Slashing 160 (0.8)
Piercing 240 (1.2)
Bludgeon 100 (0.5)
Fire 100 (0.5)
Cold 100 (0.5)
Acid 240 (1.2)
Electrical 100 (0.5)
Requires 275 Melee Defense to Wield
Dauloirae, AL 200 : Acid Protection Other VI, Impenetrability V, Acid Bane IV, Blade Bane IV, Blade Protection Other V, Piercing Bane IV, Invulnerability Other V, Piercing Protection Other VI. Dif 125, (wield) Melee Defense of 275, [0.8/1.2/0.5/0.5/0.5/1.2/0.5], Value 4,000, 750BU
750 4000
An obsidian shield enhanced to defend against the piercing attacks of olthoi.
AL 200
Slashing 160 (0.8)
Piercing 240 (1.2)
Bludgeon 100 (0.5)
Fire 100 (0.5)
Cold 100 (0.5)
Acid 240 (1.2)
Electrical 100 (0.5)
Requires 275 Melee Defense to Wield
Dauloirae, AL 200 : Acid Protection Other VI, Impenetrability V, Acid Bane IV, Blade Bane IV, Blade Protection Other V, Piercing Bane IV, Invulnerability Other V, Piercing Protection Other VI. Dif 125, (wield) Melee Defense of 275, [0.8/1.2/0.5/0.5/0.5/1.2/0.5], Value 4,000, 750BU
Gold Buckler
332 7076
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 7
AL 128
Slashing 128 (1)
Piercing 102 (0.8)
Bludgeon 154 (1.2)
Fire 77 (0.6)
Cold 152 (1.19)
Acid 197 (1.54)
Electrical 115 (0.9)
Gold Buckler, (7) craft (Gold), AL 128 : Blade Bane VI, Major Frost Bane, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 84, Sho Only, (activate) Melee Defense of 342, [1.0/0.8/1.2/1.2/0.6/1.5/0.9], Value 7,076, 332BU
Bronze Buckler
269 3478
icon Buckler
Material: Bronze
Workmanship: 4
AL 101
Slashing 101 (1)
Piercing 81 (0.8)
Bludgeon 121 (1.2)
Fire 145 (1.44)
Cold 110 (1.08)
Acid 101 (1)
Electrical 61 (0.6)
Bronze Buckler, (4) craft (Bronze), AL 101, [1.0/0.8/1.2/1.1/1.4/1.0/0.6], Value 3,478, 269BU
Gromnie Hide Studded Leather Breastplate
522 16233
Studded Leather Breastplate of Magic Resistance
Material: Gromnie Hide
Workmanship: 7
AL 194
Slashing 233 (1.2)
Piercing 213 (1.1)
Bludgeon 194 (1)
Fire 136 (0.7)
Cold 205 (1.05)
Acid 58 (0.3)
Electrical 78 (0.4)
Gromnie Hide Studded Leather Breastplate, (7) craft (Gromnie Hide), AL 194 : Flame Bane VI, Major Jumping Prowess, Magic Resistance Self VI, Acid Bane VI, Piercing Bane VI, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 251, Gharu Only, [1.2/1.1/1.0/1.1/0.7/0.3/0.4], Value 16,233, 522BU
Bronze Diadem
58 14495
Diadem of Mana Mastery
Material: Bronze
Workmanship: 5
AL 258
Slashing 335 (1.3)
Piercing 258 (1)
Bludgeon 258 (1)
Fire 103 (0.4)
Cold 103 (0.4)
Acid 298 (1.15)
Electrical 289 (1.12)
Bronze Diadem, (5) craft (Bronze), AL 258 : Major Creature Enchantment Aptitude, Olthoi's Bane, Swordsman's Bane, Nuhmudira's Blessing, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 322, [1.3/1.0/1.0/0.4/0.4/1.2/1.1], Value 14,495, 58BU
Gold Signet Crown
65 17842
Signet Crown of Invulnerability
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 6
AL 208
Slashing 270 (1.3)
Piercing 208 (1)
Bludgeon 208 (1)
Fire 83 (0.4)
Cold 196 (0.94)
Acid 125 (0.6)
Electrical 199 (0.95)
Gold Signet Crown, (6) craft (Gold), AL 208 : Major Armor, Swordsman's Bane, Invulnerability Self VI, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 342, [1.3/1.0/1.0/0.9/0.4/0.6/1.0], Value 17,842, 65BU
Gold Covenant Breastplate
1202 13878
Covenant Breastplate
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 7
AL 336
Slashing 470 (1.4)
Piercing 437 (1.3)
Bludgeon 470 (1.4)
Fire 403 (1.2)
Cold 202 (0.6)
Acid 403 (1.2)
Electrical 336 (1)
Requires 245 Missile Defense to Wield
Gold Covenant Breastplate, (7) craft (Gold), AL 336 : Major Lockpick Prowess, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 341, (wield) Missile Defense of 245, [1.4/1.3/1.4/0.6/1.2/1.2/1.0], Value 13,878, 1,202BU
Silver Nariyid Helm
391 8976
Nariyid Helm of Magic Resistance
Material: Silver
Workmanship: 8
AL 240
Slashing 312 (1.3)
Piercing 240 (1)
Bludgeon 240 (1)
Fire 96 (0.4)
Cold 198 (0.83)
Acid 144 (0.6)
Electrical 96 (0.4)
Silver Nariyid Helm, (8) craft (Silver), AL 240 : Impenetrability VI, Magic Resistance Self VI, Major Staff Aptitude. Dif 277, [1.3/1.0/1.0/0.8/0.4/0.6/0.4], Value 8,976, 391BU
Silver Chainmail Girth
330 8524
Chainmail Girth of Strength
Material: Silver
Workmanship: 6
AL 178
Slashing 214 (1.2)
Piercing 178 (1)
Bludgeon 142 (0.8)
Fire 107 (0.6)
Cold 107 (0.6)
Acid 89 (0.5)
Electrical 174 (0.98)
Silver Chainmail Girth, (6) craft (Silver), AL 178 : Impenetrability VI, Might of the Lugians, Major Flame Ward. Dif 121, Aluvian Only, (activate) Missile Defense of 211, [1.2/1.0/0.8/0.6/0.6/0.5/1.0], Value 8,524, 330BU
Studded Leather Sleeves
422 8128
Studded Leather Sleeves
Material: Leather
Workmanship: 8
AL 186
Slashing 223 (1.2)
Piercing 205 (1.1)
Bludgeon 186 (1)
Fire 130 (0.7)
Cold 74 (0.4)
Acid 127 (0.68)
Electrical 74 (0.4)
Studded Leather Sleeves, (8) craft (Leather), AL 186 : Lightning Bane VI, Major Endurance, Impenetrability VI, Frost Bane VI. Dif 172, (activate) Missile Defense of 187, [1.2/1.1/1.0/0.4/0.7/0.7/0.4], Value 8,128, 422BU
Gold Chainmail Sleeves
501 7114
Chainmail Sleeves of Strength
Material: Gold
Workmanship: 7
AL 156
Slashing 187 (1.2)
Piercing 156 (1)
Bludgeon 125 (0.8)
Fire 170 (1.09)
Cold 94 (0.6)
Acid 78 (0.5)
Electrical 179 (1.14)
Gold Chainmail Sleeves, (7) craft (Gold), AL 156 : Major Mace Aptitude, Piercing Bane VI, Might of the Lugians, Frost Bane VI, Brogard's Defiance. Dif 191, (activate) Missile Defense of 207, [1.2/1.0/0.8/0.6/1.1/0.5/1.1], Value 7,114, 501BU
Leather Cap
65 7550
Leather Cap
Material: Leather
Workmanship: 6
AL 140
Slashing 168 (1.2)
Piercing 112 (0.8)
Bludgeon 140 (1)
Fire 70 (0.5)
Cold 70 (0.5)
Acid 42 (0.3)
Electrical 112 (0.8)
Leather Cap, (6) craft (Leather), AL 140 : Impenetrability VI, Major Weapon Tinkering Expertise, Tusker's Bane. Dif 206, (activate) Missile Defense of 224, [1.2/0.8/1.0/0.5/0.5/0.3/0.8], Value 7,550, 65BU
Leather Loafers
46 10287
Loafers of Spear Mastery
Material: Leather
Workmanship: 7
AL 230
Slashing 276 (1.2)
Piercing 184 (0.8)
Bludgeon 230 (1)
Fire 281 (1.22)
Cold 115 (0.5)
Acid 202 (0.88)
Electrical 184 (0.8)
Leather Loafers, (7) craft (Leather), AL 230 : Impenetrability VI, Major Magic Item Tinkering Expertise, Spear Mastery Self VI. Dif 223, Viamontian Only, [1.2/0.8/1.0/0.5/1.2/0.9/0.8], Value 10,287, 46BU
Emerald Orb
50 23013
Orb of Revitalizeother
Material: Emerald
Workmanship: 7
Emerald Orb, (7) craft (Emerald), Mana-c +10%, Melee-D +7% : Replenish, Mystic's Blessing, Hieromancer's Blessing, Major Magic Resistance. Dif 318, Value 23,013, 50BU
Fire Opal Fire Sceptre
50 16965
Fire Sceptre of Flame
Material: Fire Opal
Tinkered 1 Times
Workmanship: 7
Requires 290 War Magic to Wield
Fire Opal Fire Sceptre, (7) craft (Fire Opal) (1Tinks), Mana-c +10%, Melee-D +8% (Fire M +2% P + 0.5%) : Flame Bolt VI, Hermetic Link VI, Item Enchantment Mastery Self VI, Major Item Tinkering Expertise. Dif 215, Gharu Only, (wield) War Magic of 290, Value 16,965, 50BU
Diamond Electric Sceptre
50 39292
Electric Sceptre
Material: Diamond
Workmanship: 10
Requires 310 War Magic to Wield
Diamond Electric Sceptre, (10) craft (Diamond), Mana-c +6%, Melee-D +9% (Electrical M +4% P +1%), (wield) War Magic of 310, Value 39,292, 50BU
White Jade Electric Sceptre
50 4514
Electric Sceptre of Force
Material: White Jade
Tinkered 5 Times
Workmanship: 4
Requires 310 War Magic to Wield
Imbued By: Acid-Burn
White Jade Electric Sceptre, (4) craft (White Jade) CriticalS (5Tinks), Mana-c +11%, Melee-D +10% (Electrical M +5% P +1.2%) : Force Bolt V, Hermetic Link V, Item Enchantment Mastery Self V. Dif 189, (wield) War Magic of 310, Value 4,514, 50BU
Black Opal Electric Baton
50 8001
Electric Baton
Material: Black Opal
Workmanship: 6
Requires 310 War Magic to Wield
Black Opal Electric Baton, (6) craft (Black Opal), Mana-c +8%, Melee-D +15% (Electrical M +4% P +1%), (wield) War Magic of 310, Value 8,001, 50BU
White Sapphire Fire Sceptre
50 12808
Fire Sceptre of Flame
Material: White Sapphire
Tinkered 7 Times
Workmanship: 5
Requires 330 War Magic to Wield
Imbued By: Elizabeth Borden
White Sapphire Fire Sceptre, (5) craft (White Sapphire) CripplingB (7Tinks), Mana-c +16%, Melee-D +12% (Fire M +7% P +1.8%) : Flame Bolt VI, Hermetic Link VI, Item Enchantment Mastery Self V. Dif 182, Aluvian Only, (wield) War Magic of 330, Value 12,808, 50BU
Sapphire Slashing Sceptre
50 21639
Slashing Sceptre of Whirlingblade
Material: Sapphire
Workmanship: 7
Requires 310 War Magic to Wield
Sapphire Slashing Sceptre, (7) craft (Sapphire), Mana-c +7%, Melee-D +10% (Slash M +3% P + 0.8%) : Evisceration, Mystic's Blessing, Cragstone's Will, War Magic Mastery Self VI. Dif 273, (wield) War Magic of 310, Value 21,639, 50BU
White Sapphire Wand
50 13672
Material: White Sapphire
Tinkered 5 Times
Workmanship: 6
White Sapphire Wand, (6) craft (White Sapphire) (5Tinks), Mana-c +10%, Melee-D +20%, Value 13,672, 50BU
Silver Sceptre
50 6247
Material: Silver
Workmanship: 7
Silver Sceptre, (7) craft (Silver), Mana-c +8%, Melee-D +15%, Value 6,247, 50BU
Sunstone Piercing Sceptre
50 18780
Piercing Sceptre of Frost
Material: Sunstone
Workmanship: 6
Requires 310 War Magic to Wield
Sunstone Piercing Sceptre, (6) craft (Sunstone), Mana-c +6%, Melee-D +15% (Piercing M +5% P +1.2%) : Frost Bolt VI, Mystic's Blessing, Hieromancer's Blessing. Dif 304, (wield) War Magic of 310, Value 18,780, 50BU
Peridot Electric Sceptre
50 12694
Electric Sceptre of Acid
Material: Peridot
Workmanship: 7
Requires 310 War Magic to Wield
Peridot Electric Sceptre, (7) craft (Peridot), Mana-c +9%, Melee-D +9% (Electrical M +4% P +1%) : Acid Stream VI, Mystic's Blessing, Major Item Enchantment Aptitude, Cragstone's Will, Spirit Drinker VI. Dif 290, (wield) War Magic of 310, Value 12,694, 50BU
Pyreal Sliver
10 50
Small Bundle of Littoral Siraluun Feathers
100 150
Pearl of Lightning Baning
5 0
Using this gem will increase the resistance to Lightning damage for all equipped armor and clothing by 500% for 15 minutes.
Small Shard
20 0
A small, smooth piece of crystalline shard, with a strange faint glow.
Tanua's Crystal
5 0
Using this gem will increase your Spear skill by 250 for 15 minutes.
Mage's Jewel
5 0
Using this gem will increase your Mana Regeneration by 1000% for 15 minutes.
Monarch's Crystal
5 0
Using this gem will increase your Leadership skill by 250 for 15 minutes.
Anadil's Crystal
5 0
Using this gem will increase your Staff skill by 250 for 15 minutes.
Dodger's Crystal
5 0
Using this gem will increase your Missile Defense skill by 250 for 15 minutes.
Physician's Crystal
5 0
Using this gem will increase your Healing skill by 250 for 15 minutes.
Pack Martine
10 5000
Salvaged Silk (100) Uses: 100 of 100
100 49682
Material: Silk
Craft 9