How ever, as with anything there can not be darkness with out light or the inbalence will destroy it, so here are my raves... how perky  (GO TEAM!).

May 14- Yet again since this si my first day of updating I will skip the raves until the 19th which is when I will attend a high school prom (it should be interesting)

July 17- wow. I like being poliamourous! I had 3 old "friends" in town, and my luke (what a spectacular guy) let me see all of them, and in the process he even found a cute russian (waving to Temera)

July 19- I love my Life (Just a happy wishful thinking moment.)

July 22- OOooo! My Birthday is in less then a month! Also, Having longdistence friends visit where you live:) ::Waves to Tom::

July 30- Eee hee heeeeee. I love green skittels.. (I am on a lot of medications right now.)

August 15- Anthropomorphic art, Its cute stuff!