Special FORM for a Field Trip Go to TIPS for Teachers
Waive =  "good bye"  or "I decline"  or "I will not sue the school."


   I am a student.  I agree that the trip organized outside of the school is good for my language learning.  I accept responsibility for going on this trip.  I choose to go on this trip.  There is another activity that I can do if I choose not to go on this academic trip.

   If there is a car accident, I will not say that the school is responsible.  It is my choice to go on this trip.  This trip was chosen by me.

   If there is a delay and the organizer makes a change in the destination of the trip, I agree to  go  to the new destination or arrange for my own return.
(For example:  perhaps the museum is closed because the staff is on strike.  the organizer can move the group to a cafe to complete the lesson.  If I don't like this, I can arrange to return to school by myself).

   I agree to pay for my share of the cost of the trip.  Food and drinks and admission and transportation are not included in the school fee.  The Teacher's time and energy are covered in the cost of the school.

Name:  ____________________________   date:  _______________________

Destination of Field Trip  ____________________________________

If you have answers or comment write to englishlesson@mail.com