Tall Love
by TeleNick

VIII. Mail Delivery

'Hi Mom, things are going well, I can't complain. The job is all right, you can judge for yourself just reading the paper I work for. I've already gotten couple of interesting options, one of them is to head a section in a brand new youth BBC TV channel. The section covers life of celebrities, but they offer quite a low wage as a starter. Several months ago, I would catch the opportunity without second thought, but now I have a range of proposals to choose from.

Our visit to you will definitely take place, don't worry. The only question is now when, but I can advise you to keep the oven warm.

And don't be afraid please: she's not unpleasant in any way! You interpreted my word correctly, she is kind of tall, but unlike Margaret she's not fixed on her physical appearance, she's a lovely companion in any conversation. And she plays bridge, so you're gonna have a good partner!

Okay, Mom, I'm really looking forward to see you and Dad, kiss you both, Rob.'

The parcel arrived just in time. That afternoon they were making comparison photos in Robin's new spacious flat. When the bell rang, he was busy with camera and lightings and asked Breta to open the door. Needless to say, the delivery guy was shocked to see an ideal female figure that despite being barefoot could be seen only up to her shoulders through seven feet high door. She bent down so that he was able to see her beautiful face, smiled, and asked how she could help him: he just stood there frozen in awe, completely forgetting the purpose of the visit. It took him nearly a minute to return to reality, he apologized and handed her a huge box wrapped in plastic. She thanked, signed a confirmation paper, smiled way down at him one more time, and closed the door.

'They won't believe me,' thought the guy imagining how he would come back to his office and share this impossible experience with others. 'I wish I asked her to pose for a photo with me... No, it was just a ghost, so it wouldn't appear on a film anyway!'

Back in the flat Breta cut plastic open revealing a logo Jellys Shoes.

'Have you ordered anything from Jellys Shoes,' she asked Robin.

'Yes, I have. I'm surprised how sharp their delivery is! You can open the box if you wish'.

'Well, well, instead of climbing on a chair you've spent a fortune on elevating shoes,' she said as she saw the boots. 'Wow, I've never seen anything like this before! You gotta be careful: if you fall down from them, you're gonna break you legs!'

'This is not for me,' he was still dealing with primary and secondary flashes and didn't see the boots yet. 'It's for you. I mean, I thought, it could be a way to imitate the 'handsome dwarf next to a very tall woman' comparison.' He finished the hard job and turned to her. 'What do you think?.. Oh my, they are huge! I mean, they stated height in centimetres on the website, and I thought the platforms were gonna be high, but... Anyway, what do you think?'

Breta who smiled broadly ever since she shut the door after the delivery guy, now laughed. 'For me? These monsters are for me? It took me two weeks to get used to my eight inches heels, and these are close to two feet, I suppose!'

'But you don't have to walk on podium with them on!'

'And out of podium too, right?' her blue eyes were shining, and her smile was playful. 'Since you promise you won't ask me to use them otherwise than indoors, I could try to put them on. But I can't guarantee I'll succeed.'

She ordered him not to enter the bedroom upstairs unless she would call for a medical assistance, grabbed the box, kissed Robin and went upstairs singing The Queen's I'm Going Slightly Mad.

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