Night of Surprises
by TeleNick

Part Two

We weren"t the first guests at the party: when we entered Katie"s flat, a guy and a girl sitting down on the sofa and drinking something greeted us.

"Hello!" Katie yelled, "Surprise, surprise, I brought up a star! Do you guys remember Nick? Nick, meet Sarah". A short (next to Katie, of course: she was couple of centimetres - 1 inch - taller than myself) red haired girl stood up and stretched her hand.

"Hi Sarah", I said smiling openly.

The next thing, however, ruined my mood.

"Nick, I do remember you: you were so damn good answering that stupid questions", proclaimed the guy rising on his feet high above my head, shaking my hand and, bending down to me introducing himself: "I"m Max". Then he came to Katie (he was only 10-12 cm (4-5 inch) shorter tall her) and kissed her in the lips. "This is my crazy boyfriend Max", said Katie to me.

It was a cold shower. She invited me just to demonstrate her friends that she new somebody famous. What a great honour! What a great shame...

"Will you excuse me", I asked the direction for a restroom.

All right, all right, I thought while washing my face with ice-cold water, you were nuts from the very beginning, did you really think she would be attracted to a shrimp half her height? You got a virus of star illness, man... Besides, that"s not the end of the world: you can try and take a chance on the redhead, she"s not ugly... better than nothing, anyway...

With all these thoughts I returned to the living room to find out that Katie and Max disappeared (they should be in bedroom, I thought masochistically). Instead of them a new couple sat down on the sofa, and Sarah was mixed a cocktails for all. I stood at the backdoor, holding its cross-bar with my hand. To do that I was forced to stretch my whole frame but this pose was quite comfortable for me in this new environment.

"Here he is", Sarah claimed once I entered the room, "People, this is TeleNick I told you about... Nick, what would you like to drink?"

"Gin, tonic, ice and lime, please" I replied confirming for myself that she"s not bad at all.

"Excellent!" she said. "And meet our new participants Natalie and Alex".

The couple on the sofa and myself nodded to each other smiling. The guy had broad shoulders and very long nose; these, probably, were the main features of his portrait. The girl, on the other hand, was a real beauty with short straight blond hair, big green eyes, sensitive but not vulgar lips and wonderful smile. They both seemed to be rather tall sitting down - long legs, long arms, long torsos, but I began to get used to this; after all, I was the shortest one here so far.

Sarah gave me a glass with a drink, and at this very moment Katie and Max, bending down at the door, stormed the room with basket full of wine and fruits in their hands. "Oh, Natalie, you"re here already!" yelled Katie excitingly. "Come and gimme a hug!"

Is this a gathering of giants or what, I thought in unbelief looking at slowly rising Natalie. Maybe the sofa was too deep for her to stand up quickly, maybe I was just daydreaming, but the process of her getting up lasted like two minutes. Finally, she stood erect. All two-meters-and-something of her. She was incredible: this lovely smile, these huge green lakes of eyes, these apple-shaped breasts under a white t-shirt, and these unbelievable, endless legs that, thanks to short grey miniskirt, were exposing nearly a full length... The legs made one step forward, another one, and the beautiful blond head of her began to... lower towards Katie"s head!

Yes, Natalie was taller than Katie - not too much, of course (I doubt there is a person on this planet - man or woman - who would be) but noticeably taller, maybe by half head. And she was barefoot while Katie (just from the outside) was in her black shoes - flat but still with 1 cm (1/2 inch) soil!

They hugged and kissed each other, and it was, I would say, embraces on the second floor. Then Natalie"s boyfriend stood up. He was "only" a head taller than me; what a dwarf, I thought looking at the two towering beauties. How could Natalie let this long-faced freak go out with her!

…Of course, I was trying to cheat on myself. Actually, his long face featured friendly smile and green eyes (perhaps, these were the reasons for them to be together?). But when he came closer to the girls it became clear that the top of his head reached only Katie"s chin and was at the level with Natalie"s shoulders. This, however, wasn"t an obstacle for him to grab Katie"s frame and kiss her nose favourably lowered down to his lips.

"All right girls, I think I should help Max to unload food in the kitchen", he said leaving the room. "And you don"t forget about our guest star, will you?"

Then something incredible happened. Sarah put her glass on the table and, claiming, "I"m into the kitchen job too", headed to the door. She could come round Katie and Natalie who were standing on her way still embraced, but instead she chose to go through them. Actually - under. She simply squeezed between the female towers, just under the arch formed by their arms. Apparently, it was pretty easy for her to do that: Sarah didn"t even have to bend. Bearing in mind that she was a bit taller then myself I could only imagine to be on her place...

Part One
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Part Three