The Original tallJay
Why are you here? Have you somehow heard about "The Original tallJay's Cheesecake"? Sorry, but you will have to wait many (and I do mean _many_) moons for that.  It is currently only a hobby but some day...

For now, make do with the links to the right.

Please go away and come again soon!
Buy a T-Shirt!
Sounds Delicious Crossword
Random Letters Crossword
Hawaii Trip 2004 Travel Log
Cool optical illusion
T-Bill APY Calculator .xls
Alaska Cruise 2003 Travel Log
Travel Pics
Heading to Vegas?
Blackjack Basic Strategy
Settlers of Catan 5/6 player random number order
Don't I look happy?  (I'm on the bottom.)  Seconds later it was pure bliss.
What does your phone number spell?