Tallwood High School Key Club 02-03 Rules for Membership
1. All members must have transportation home at 3:00pm after monthly general meetings. You must also leave the building promptly after all board and committee meetings. If you are late clearing the building or being picked up, you will be issued a warning. If the problem persists, you will no longer be a member of the club. Remember that your advisors can not leave until everyone is out of the building and on the way home.

2. Even though our primary focus is community service, members are expected to attend general meetings. This is where our members can collaborate and obtain information about each committee's activities.
ALL MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND A MINIMUM OF SIX GENERAL MEETINGS. If you have other pre-planned commitments such as school sponsored activites or sports events, show the advisor your signed planner from your club advisor or coach.

3. Sign-up lists for all activities will be in Room 134 (in the foreign language hall). If you sign up for an activity, it is vitually important that you fulfill your committment. Make certain you have the telephone number and email address of your committee chairperson. You will be responible for calling him or her if you cannot make it to an event.
Failure to meet the obligations will result in suspension from the next activity.

4. Tallwood Key Club participates in one major fundraiser per school year, the Entertainment Book Fundraiser. The proceeds from the project are used for the following:

--Community Service Activites
--Charitable Organizations (To be voted on by the members).
--Supplies and Materials
--State Convention
--Service to the School
--End of the Year Plaques, Induction Dinner, Pins, and Certificates.

5. Once a month three members are invited to attend the Kiwanis Club of Lynnhaven Breakfast meeting. You must see Mrs. Janz for a special permission form which needs to be signed by your parents and your first block teacher.

6. Once a month each member will receive a newsletter in his/her homeroom. If you have a schedule change, please contact the Vice President (Jenna Rotz) ASAP, so that she can get the newletter to your new teacher. If for any reason you do not receive a newsletter, there are always extra copies available in Room 134.

7. Since many of our activities require students to provide their own transportation (after school tutoring, Beth Sholom, Parks & Rec., etc.), it is very important that your parents are informed of your activities and that Mrs. Janz has your name on the list for that activity. Also, each member must have a signed transportation form on file with Mrs. Janz.

8. Officers will be responsible for tracking service points of all members using the sign-up sheets in room 134. To be counted for a service point, make sure your name is on the sign-up sheet. To check the status of service points, please visit the *NEW* service points section of this website. Only volunteer hours with TALLWOOD KEY CLUB will be counted in the semester requirement for membership. The members will be required to log 15 service points during one 9 weeks period. That comes to a total of 60 points per year.