The *NEW* Points System
This is our new method of keeping members active in the club.In accordance with the rules established by the officers at the beginning of the year, each member must aquire15 points for the 9 weeks If a member is unable to achieve 15  points at the end of the nine weeks, the member will then have until the next nine weeks to make up the number of points missed, in addition to the 15 points for the next nine weeks.You will need 60 points by the end of the year.
Why the *new* point system?
As a service club, we want all our members to remain as active as possible in serving our community. This is one way to help our devoted memebers stay involved!
How to get points...
1 point: Bring food to share (i.e. meetings in the Cafeteria)
2 points: general meetings (stay for the whole meeting)
3 points: Selling 3 or more Entertainment Books
4 points: 1-2 Service Hours (i.e. Tutoring, Smoke-free)
5 points: 2-4 Service Hours (i.e. Carnival at Centerville)
6 points: 6-7 Service Hours (i.e. Special Olympics)

Requirement= 15 points per 9 weeks with a total
of 60 points a year
Click here to check your total points on the list!
Please remember you have to email an officer in order for your points to go on the website!