The Talmo Fence


I used to have an odd paragraph about my "pet peeves".  I have learned that a better way to determine what you don't like is to find out what you do like.  The best way to do this is to observe your own actions and lifestyle patterns.


I don't smoke or do drugs, and it seems that I tend to associate with people that are the same way.  Of course there are exceptions, but for the most part at least the "no drugs" clause has held true.  As a word of advice to all of you, it has been my experience that negotiating your own health, safety, or values to accommodate others' actions or choices usually gets you nowhere.  If you call them "party favors", you may want to re-think how you view your extracurricular activities.  Just my opinion.


I'm an open minded person and I don't judge others for the choices they make.  I don't like to be lied to at all.  Don't lie to me.  I have a knack for reading people and knowing the truth.  I've been told I can read minds.  I'm a nice guy, but push me too far and "strong, angry man" will come out of the cave.


I don't like for people to beat around the bush.  Be brutally honest, tell me exactly what you want, tell me exactly what you think, and the whole process will be done much more quickly and efficiently than if you try to cut corners and spare feelings.  If you don't like me, just say so.  I hate it when people say one thing and they mean another.


And So, my peeves are pretty much just when people lie to me. Being honest is so much easier.



About Me >Pet Peeves