For those of you that know me, you know I love to come up with quotes and little phrases. So here are some of them. This page will always be updated often! ^_^
Swift and fast, keen and forever last the sweet love of a lover's past.

Where weak mines die, trouble lurks, wings of truth and honor will fly.

Fast, slow, upon, below, always searching for the special one.

A falcon's cry, that will never die fill ones heart with soothing love.

Talon of light, claw of dark, forever fight the battle of right.

Dark, wet and cold no more! Bold, bright and honor await so fly upon a falcon wing!

Falcon fly, fly forever, wild and free the way you were meant to be!

Thunder may roar, but a falcon will soar and can take every blow that evil can throw. You will fight back and pervail against the evil that's might doesn't stand a chance.

I have flown on winds that chase  a summer's sunset. I have maneuvered my craft through twists and turns and protected my fellow citizens from danger. I have flown into dark twilight and lit up the sky with my two 23,930 pound thrust producing engines. I have flown with eagles, touched the heavens and I get paid to do it. Have you? For I am an USAF pilot.

When darkness is upon your door. When you are trapped in a world of fear and misfortune. Break free from the cage that traps you, break the clouded window that prevents you from seeing the light. Look towards the sky and see me flying high for I will lead you towards your destiny.

Never turn your back to and enemy and more importantly a friend...

Get past the forest first then watch the sunset for it will be brighter.

You can run with top dogs, but can you fly with top guns?

I've seen you watching, waiting for the moment to strike, but my talons are drew and I've crept through your nightmares and still you want see what hit you...;)

From where I stand there are three kinds of people the hunted, the hunters and the believers who do you really think you are?...

They can lable you and make you believe the lies, you may think why care or why bother. The truth is care about it and be bothered!