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Tamarin's Links

This scroll simply names the friends, aquaintances, and references to interesting documents I have found in and around Puddleby.

[ Editor's note: Clearly, this scroll is very much an early draft. I shall replace it with a more finished manuscript if I can find one. —Tayra ]

Resources, Treatises, and Academic Discourse

I am clearly not alone in my quest for knowledge. The references listed here comprise a gateway to many worthy works of gossip and high academe on the topic of Puddleby and its residents. Not only are these documents rich with information, but their writers have a much finer sense of page design than I do.

New! The Clan Lord FAQ

This handy document answers your basic questions about Puddleby and Clan Lord, plus provides links to other essential resources. This should be the first place you look for answers to basic questions.

Clan World

Parintachin's Clan World seems to be a repository of all sorts of information, both academic and prosaic. Here one may find current news, casual observations, useful reference works, and even pointers to Puddleby's fashion press.

Braveheart's Clan Lord Web Site

Braveheart's site is a veritable encyclopaedia. It is often the quickest way to find an answer to a question, and also contains references to more in-depth works by other writers.

The crown jewel of Braveheart's site is his Clan Lord Guide, an indispensible code of conduct for any newly arrived exile. I can testify that reading it meant the difference between life and death for me when I first arrived.

Better Living Through Fast Feet

No exile should fail to have a scribe or storyteller interpret for them this wonderfully entertaining guide to staying alive in our fair islands.

The Clan Lord Homepage

This curious work was composed by an individual of fantastic imagination. It describes the world from the point of view of an imaginary race of great gods who amuse themselves by manipulating us like dolls. The idea is preposterous in the extreme, but the creativity is refreshing. The story is told in such detail, and with such conviction, that for a moment I actually wanted to believe it!

Who's Who in Puddleby

I am compiling a comprehensive list of absolutely everyone. Please help me out by providing missing information!

Miscellaneous links in no particular order

Actually, they're in alphabetical order. So there.
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Copyright ©1999 by He Who Clicks for Tamarin.