The Dregs: Led by a charismatic but dangerously psychotic man calling himself "The Leader," the Dregs are the most numerous gang, but also the least effective. They are basically just a bunch of poorly armed, undisciplined rabble who rule their territory because the other gangs don't care about the few square blocks they control. What is unusual about the Dregs is that they don't hesitate to enter other gangs territory if the mood strikes them. They usually get badly mauled once the opposing gang becomes aware of their presence.

The Brainiacs: The smallest of all the gangs, the Brainiacs really only have one building as their territory, but it is the World Trade Center. Led by a delta who calls himslf "The Brain," the gang regularly hires out its services to the other gangs. Don't even think the Brainiacs are a weak gang, however. People disappear from the streets of the Zone every week, and it is said that they become part of the Brainiac's experiments. Several times, other gangs tried to take the Brainiac's territory for themselves, and those gangs exist now only as memories.

Sons of General Lee: The Sons are a group of disaffected individuals unhappy with the way they've been treated by the government. Anywhere else, they'd be called a right-wing militia group. They are led by General Sid Vicious, who has somehow managed to mold them into a reasonable facsimile of an army. Well armed and well trained, the Sons are known for their recruitment drives, when they raid other gang's territory to add young men and women to their ranks.

Easy Riders: The Riders claim one of the more desolate areas of the Zone as their own, an area covered in rubble from the collapse of several tall buildings. The Riders own a small fleet of motorcycles, making the most mobile of all the gangs and well known for their lightning raids.

The StormTroopers: The most powerful gang in the Zone, this neo-Nazi gang owes its pre-eminence to the three deltas that lead it, Blitzkrieg, Panzer and Luftwaffe. The gang numbers well over 125 members and has ten working cars and trucks to its name. Each member of the gang is well armed, and they are known for being the most ruthless of all the gangs.

The Stormtroopers
The Sons of General Lee
The Easy Riders
The Dregs
The Brainiacs (the World Trade Center buildings)