My photos of Hector and me

Here is another picture of Hector, who I am going to marry when I turn 18 and when he asks me to.  I think he looks very nice and handsome even if he doesn't e-mail me anymore.  He is at a bar there.  I will go with him when I am old enough.

This is what it will look like at our wedding even though that is not what our hair looks like.  I have long hair and I will put up a picture of me later when I can.  But I am not very pretty so you shouldn't expect alot.

This is a picture of Hector after he won 10 pounds in the lottery, which I think is a lot of money because he looks very excited.  My mom says it is only like 12 $ but I think she is wrong because no one would get that excited for only 12 $.

I would like to put up more pictures but I don't have any.  I asked Hector to mail me some more but he has not answered my e-mail.  So if you know him, maybe you have pictures you could send me and then I will put them up here so everyone in the world can see him and then they will go see him when he acts in the movie, so he will not be as sad about his Spud O' Christ exploding.  Because he will be famous and famous people don't have to worry about things like that.

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