Our Angel Baby
Sammy Orr-Kearley
I've changed this site just to add a new look.  
13 weeks pregnant  Ultrasound at IWK, Halifax, NS
Everything was going great!!
My maternal serum test showed a 1 in 32 change of trisomy 18 so the Doctors talked me into an amneosentisis.  There is a 2% change of complications from an amnio.  4 days after the procedure, Sammy was born prematurely at 5 months pregnant.  She lived only but a minute and passed away on my hospital bed.   The hospital was HORRIBLE during the whole ordeal...Sammy was born in the toilet because nobody told me what was going on....nobody told me my baby wouldn't survive so I thought my 15 hours of labour would result in a beautiful baby..... not the case.  THE SINGLE MOST horrifying experience of my life.   I wish this on nobody.
The worst part of the whole story - she DID NOT have anything wrong with her.  I would HIGHLY recommend that nobody ever have an amnio!!
Sammy was buried on top of my father in Belleville Cemetary.  This is Daddy putting a flower on her gravesite in August the following year.   We were in Ontario for my sister's wedding.
The items to the right were placed in Sammy's casket.  Picture of her Daddy and brothers, an angel from Nanny Orr and a pouch made from Poppa's shirt with a quarter inside.
Sammy's Memory Box