In this corner, weighing in at 3 ounces and 28 calories, the reigning nutritional champion, broccoli.

In the opposite corner, weighing in at 3 ounces and 35 calories, the challenger, broccolini.

Is this the heavyweight veggie of the year, or just another case of a broccoli wanna be that could have been a a contender? Let's take a look at the stats.

A hybrid of broccoli and Chinese kale, broccolini has 6 to 7 inch, entirely edible stems. Not as tough as broccoli or asparagus and with a milder taste than either, each tender stalk sprouts mini florets that are slightly sweeter than broccoli's clumps. Raw, 8 stalks of both contain roughly equal amounts of vitamins A and C, potassium, and calcium.

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