
a choice of two courses

Fundamental techniques Improvers/Intermediate
Thursday Thursday
9.45am Basics 1 11.15am Salon technique: Tango con cortes
12.30pm Leaders only: the basic techniques of leading 12.30pm Leaders only: the basic techniques of leading
2.00pm Basics 2 3.15pm Dynamic Axis: Puentes, Colgadas & other strangeness
5.00pm The basics of leading & following 6.00pm Dancing the music 1
Friday Friday
9.45am Breaking away from the salida 11.15am Advanced leading and following
12.30pm Leaders only: movement dynamics & musicality 12.30pm Leaders only: movement dynamics & musicality
2.00pm The structure of tango 3.15pm Milonga
5.00pm Salon survival guide 6.00pm Dancing the music 2, vals
Saturday Saturday
9.45am The basics of milonga & vals 11.15am Breaking the rules: unorthodox methods
12.30pm Leaders only: homework for leaders 12.30pm Leaders only: homework for leaders
2.00pm Sacada & boleo technique 3.15pm Sacada & boleos for salon dancing
5.00pm Question & stuff on demand 5.00pm Question & stuff on demand

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