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Yo no sé por qué extrano destino

otra vez mi vida te encontró a su paso.

(Carlos Gardel; Amor)



Buenos Aires, a street and the bar … here the mystique of tango was born. I enter, close my eyes, and breathe in this intoxicating air. A gentle sound of the violins comes to my ears, I feel a body touching me gently, rolling itself around me … and we become one! Tango! I open my eyes but the only thing I see is an empty street




Another night is starting and the bar is opened again. Pedro the waiter is preparing the tables for the expected guests. The first to arrive is the harmonica player. Like in the old days Mario is consoling his hart with a drink and some music. The bar is soon filled with an interesting group of immigrants. The guys begin to prove their manly hood, and are practicing the steps for an unforgettable evening. Every tango night is unforgettable! Shortly afterwards the girls arrive and begin teasing the guys. The light mood is cut by the singer Larisa and her »Ballad for a fool« in which she tells her love story full of passion, happiness and desire. An eye catches an eye, and the mood in the bar is soon very cozy. Andrea and Armando break the ice with a fast milonga. Matea and Sebastian also like the tango and right after them Maria and Carlos take the floor. Armando decides to try his luck with Andrea and Matea at the same time, but three is a crowd. Sebastian takes his girl away from him, and Andrea who is offended does not like him anymore either. So Armando goes to Maria, but he is cut off by Carlos. This is too much for Armando and in a heap of passion he demands revenge. He pulls out his blade, but the bartender, who does not like trouble in his bar, throws him out.


The bar is encircled by quiet fog, and it is time for Pedro to invite his guests again even though he knows that there is still hot blood between them. The first one in the bar is Armando, right after him Sebastian and Carlos arrive. Armando challenges tem and all three draw their knives. Pedro does not know what to do. The fight turns into a duel where Armando and Sebastian fight for their honor on the street. Soon the nervous Andrea, she is supposed to meet Armando, comes running into the bar. Pablo is trying to calm her when suddenly the enraged Armando comes back and Pablo steps of. Armando and Andrea fall into a passionate and offensive debate, which does not have a happy, ending. Then Larisa shows up singing about her final love and her broken hart in sad, quiet tones. Andrea sadly looks on to the men which are encircling Larisa, and she decides to empty yet another glass. After that she bravely decides to challenge Armando and Carlos to a dance. But Maria soon takes her own part in the affair and tries to get Armando of the floor, but she is not successful. After a wild dance the pairs sit down for a drink and Mario continues to tell the story by his harmonica. The whole affair settles down and all the pairs start dancing along with Mario. At the end the images from the dreams come to life and they all dance together. Pedro wants to get into the dance too, but he is chased away by the other dancers, leaving him alone with his thoughts of Larisa that left him her feminine symbol - a handkerchief.

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