.Relive. .Reborn.

The time has come to close this site. There'll be a certain point of time where you get too tired, too busy, too sick of mantaining a site. This site is dead, so what's the point of resucitating it? I'm really busy, plus there's nothing in this site that is motivating me to update. The only thing I ever update is the blog section. The others are kind of redundant, don't you think? Right now, with all blogging services doubling up as photo albums and whatnot, why take the hard route? It's just really tiring. There is an element of disappointment as well.
To all faithful readers, it's been wonderful having you guys around to read my entries and visit even when I seem to be Missing in Action. It's sad to let this site go but it's getting dusty. Maybe someday I'll find back that spark of inspiration. For now I've set up a new blog - here So visit if you will, or can. With the wonderful automated blog service, I CAN STOP TYPING HTML TAGS! For once.
This site holds sentimental value - for me at least, so I'm going to leave it as it is... and one day... just give me a spark of inspiration, and I'll return to restore it to its former glory. For those who want to continue checking out the site's contents, click the 'Relive' button on top. For those who want to check out the new blog (now up.) remember this address: systematicdisorder.blogspot.com. Or, Simply click the 'Reborn' button.