Grace's Place
Name:    Grace Lavinia Redmond
Born:     February 23rd 2001 at 2.59pm
Weight: 9lbs 13oz
Length: 51cms
Place:     Williams Angliss Hospital,
                Ferntree Gully, Victoria, Australia
On the Friday morning at about 2am my mummy couldn't sleep so she decided to take me and daddy for a walk around the block. She was 3 days overdue with me and was feeling really uncomfortable. It had been a really hot few days and I was also getting uncomfortable and had been sleeping quite a bit to get ready for my entrance into the world.

After what felt like the longest walk she came home and realised she had a bit of a backache and took a shower. That didn't help so she took me for a soak in the bath
instead. By this time the back twinges were coming around about every
3-4 minutes and she realise I was getting ready to make my appearance
into the world.

She wandered around at home keeping busy for a few hours and
decided at 5.30am that she just had to take me and daddy to the
hospital. Daddy drove so carefully and looked so worried. He tried
really hard not to drive too fast!

On arrival mummy was was given a room with a big bed to make us more comfortable. She wandered around the room aimlessly for a few hours then they gave her a needle which made me feel really wooooossssy! It was a kinda nice feeling though. I was seeing double for a while but that soon wore off.

I was all prepared to come out but the birth canal was too small for my big head so they had to take mummy into a big room with bright lights and lots of people in funny masks. Finally someone was helping me get out. I came out and was greeted by daddy and he looked a little shocked. So I screamed!

                               But then they finally dried me off and rugged me up to keep me                           warm. A little later on they took me in to see mummy and daddy and 
                               they still looked a little shocked to see me. But then they couldn't 
                               stop smiling at each other and at me and that made me happy.

Later on that night I began to feel a little sick so I screamed for the doctor and he came to visit me. They put a big needle in my arm and explained to my mummy and daddy that it was to keep my blood sugars up and stop me from getting sicker. For the next few days I stayed in the same place with lots of people poking and prodding me. The best part of the day was when mummy and daddy came and stroked my face and held my hand. It made me feel safe.

After a few more days I was given my very own bed. I was also allowed to have my very first bath in the big bath and got to finally put some clothes on. I was starting to become a little modest with everyone staring.

After a few more days mummy and daddy were told I was getting sicker and that I had to go to a bigger hospital with scarier doctors and more needles. I didn't like the sound of that and I don't think mummy and daddy did either cause they both looked really sad.

At the bigger hospital I spent a loooonnnng time there getting poked and prodded even more until finally a really friendly looking man came in one day and told mummy and daddy he wanted to talk to them. When they came back they looked a little worried but a little bit happier. The man had told them that if I get medicine every day I will soon feel better and that I had to keep taking this medicine for a long time.

A few days later mummy and daddy got to spend a few nights in the hospital with me. It didn't seem so scary then and I got to spend more time with them. I thought the best day was when they said I could move to the next room which was for babies who were getting better. Mummy and daddy looked so happy they might have burst. And in that room they let me sit in a pram sometimes and look around. I was becoming a big girl.

Then finally the day came when I was allowed to go home. It felt like an
eternity but it had only been 5 weeks. Mummy and daddy rugged me up
like I was going out into a blizzard and then took me out to our car.
Mummy said she had never seen daddy drive so carefully before and
mummy couldn't stop looking at me. And when I finally got home mummy
and daddy were so happy that they couldn't stop smiling at me and each other.

Now I am a big girl, well I think 10 months is big. I have 5 teeth and am walking around furniture all the time and getting into heaps of mischieve. I don't mean to drive mummy and daddy insane but I think they don't want me to touch things around the house. BUT... I can't help it. There are so many more exciting things to play with than my boring toys.

I just had my first Christmas and Santa brought me lots and lots of presents. I also got to spend the day with my Nana and Poppy, Uncle Rodney, Aunty Cheryl and Uncle Paul, Amy Katelyn and Georgia. Georgia is just a little older than me but she's scary and makes me cry.  She pulls my hair (she's jealous that I have more than her) and grabs me. I know she really doesn't mean it though, she is trying to say "hi".

Mummy, daddy and nana just took me on my first holiday. We went to Bonnie Doon and stayed in a holiday house in a big park. They had lots for me to do and I got to go swimming in a big pool. It was fun!

I guess I had better go, mummy is looking for me cause it's bath time.I love my bath times the best... bubbles, bubbles, bubbles!

You can email me if you like (care of my mummy) and tell me what you think of my web page. It's my first try so I hope it is ok. Also you can sign my guestbook so I can see all the people who have come to see my page.

Lots of love and kisses (and dribble)

Gracie  xoxoxo
Email me and mummy here

Also, you can view pictures of me by clicking the links below.

Me @ 3 Months
Me @ 6 Months
Me @ 8 Months
Me @ 13 Months

Me @ 21 Months
Me @ Almost 3yo (January 2004)
Links for PHHI