Tanxadillo Games

Welcome to Tanxadillo Games, a PortRawk! company. The ROMs and ISOs downloaded from this site must not be on a user's computer for more than 24 hours due to the US law. All downloads are tracked by our hosting company Geocities, the user's IP address is also verified for security purposes. The user's credit card number or any other private information will not be collected from anywhere on this site. If the user is under the age of 13, he/she will not be able to download anymore ROMs or ISOs since the user's IP address is recorded due to the The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (1996). If you do not agree to the terms and privcay policy, you will be directed to Playhouse Disney because you can't handle life.



If you have any comments or concerns, please e-mail the webmaster at: tanxadillogames@yahoo.com