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I have a free mp3 enable for download at myspace.com/rdhronalddonovanharper

My personal page is at myspace.com/holyguano

The eye

Said the Eye one day, "I see beyond these valleys a mountain veiled with blue mist. Is it not beautiful?"

The Ear listened, and after listening intently awhile, said, "But where is any mountain? I do not hear."

Then the Hand spoke and said, "I am trying in vain to feel it or touch it, and I can find no mountain."

And the Nose said, "There is no mountain, I cannor smell it."

Then the Eye turned the other way, and they all began to talk together about the Eye's strange delusion. And they said, "Something must be the matter with the Eye."

by Khalil Gibran

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"Eppur si move"

- Galileo

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OK, Bu-bye!!!!!
Thanks for playin'!!!!!
Now go be The Light of the World or something!!!!!

"Love does not participate in madness."
- Hugh Prather

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