Age: 24

Birthday: January 29, 1978

Parents: Bruce and April Drake.

Siblings: Felicia Drake (presumed dead), Venus Drake (deceased).

Marriages: Currently married to Blade Baron.

Occupation: Bookeeper/Chef.
Portrayed by:
Kelly Monaco (Livvie, Port Charles)
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To some, Hope is innocent and naive and to others she is a true friend and loving wife. Honest and harmless she has been in love with her husband Blade since the two of them were children. Married for a little over a year they have been having some problems as of late. A few months after the ceremony Hope's twin sister Felicia's car was set on fire and driven right into Lake Tahoe. Always wary of her smarter sister, Hope cannot remember if she killed her even though Hope was found on shore of Secret Key Beach in her wedding dress with gasoline on her. Before that Hope had been suffering from blackouts which have only intensified since Felicia's disappearance. She has also been prone to tantrums, fits of uncontrollable crying and frequently cannot account for her whereabouts. Even scarier for Hope and Blade is that she is starting to forget events that she is a part of. Even though her marriage is suffering between that and her husband's devotion to his career Hope is determined to keep it afloat and her sanity intact. She is sweet, cheerful young woman, full of life and fighting for every minute of it.