Birthday: Januray 1, 1977

Siblings: Kendall Mattson

Parents: Paul and Esther Mattson (deceased).

Children: Lily Andrade (deceased,with Nick Andrade).

Marriages: None.

Occupation: Manager of the Tapestry hotel.

Portrayed by: Olivia Newton-John.
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Home      Episodes       Residents       Interact        Lantana      Tapestry
Orphaned and pregnant by the age of fourteen, Rachel was forced to grow up and fast. She worked two jobs and relied on her boyfriend Nick Andrade to support her and her sister Kendall while going to high school. The baby, a girl named Lily, died after only a few days, leaving a strain on Nick and Rachel's relationship. At eighteen he left her to go to college and Rachel continued to raise Kendall with the help of Myrna Sherwood, an old family friend. It was with the financial and creative help of Myrna and some of her other older successful friends, Dr. Jasmine Fallow and Lacey Gavin that Rachel renovated the Mattson estate and turned it into a modest hotel/bed & breakfast in 2001, the Tapestry. Having put all of her energy into raising her sister, mourning over Lily and managing the hotel, Rachel had all but closed herself off to love when she fell in love with Tapestry's first guest, Gregory Hathaway, a wandering writer with a wandering eye and a history with Jasmine. After the summer ended Gregory inexplicably disappeared leaving Rachel depressed and vulnerable to Nick, who had returned to Lantana, now a Lawyer. The two reunited briefly even though Rachel knew that she did not love him. Finally sensing this, Nick left her before knowing that she had become pregnant with his baby again!
At twenty-five Rachel's youth betrays her. Her eyes are much older and hide a decade of hardships and loneliness, though one would not know it by the way she keeps to herself. Pleasant but assertive, there is also something almost ethereal in her nature. Rachel is beautiful, troubled, moody, self-sacrificing and deeply flawed. She has lived a lifetime and hides it behind a half-smile.