getting to what's essential

For FREE assessments and tips on creating and living a charmed life,
visit my current professional site
Morgana Rae
Certified Professional Coach
310 657-5340
Whatever you can do
or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power,
and magic in it.
It's easy to get bogged down in the demands and details of your immediate situation and to lose sight of the big picture.

As your life coach, I can help you close the gap between where you are and
where you want to be in your life.

You have an inner brilliance, a natural genius, which I help you access.  
Who you are at your core is enough, and everything you want will grow out of that. 

I've blossomed here and Morgana has been the catalyst.
I feel as though I am truly waking up to myself. People who haven't seen me in a while have literally said, 'Hey, what's going on with you--you're glowing...' when they see me. It's setting my life on fire, and that feels magical. This work is most certainly a gift.

Anna S.
I typically coach entertainment industry professionals and other cultural creatives, entrepreneurs, healers, and women who wish to enjoy greater success without sacrificing their humanity. I also coach couples, business partners, and creative organizations to deepen and strengthen their alignment and to use their differences to enrich and support their relationships.
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310 657-5340
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Relationship Coaching
Wheel of Life Self Assessment Taproot Connection (back issues)