Tara's Home Page

Hey! My name is Tara, and I live in Port Washington. I am an American Jew. I have lived here for my whole life. I went to nursery school at The Roslyn Growing tree. When I reached age five, I started elementary school at Sousa, and at the same time I started to take dance. After graduating from elementary, I then moved onto middle school at Weber. When I was in the eighth grade I had a bat mitzvah and still took dance. I love to dance.

I am currently in my senior year of high school and I am still dancing for fun. I am a dancer who participates in sports night. I currently have a part time job working at Let There be Bagels. If I am not dancing I am most likely working hard with my schoolwork. However, I still have my "daily entertainment." On Friday and Saturday nights, I go out with my friends. We just hang out, go to the movies/rent movies, go to parties, and lots of other fun stuff. I also have a big family under one roof. There is my mom, stepdad, sister, brother, and I.

I would like to have graduated from Syracuse university with a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in business. When I am finished with graduate school I would like to enjoy life to the fullest by being single for approximately two years. I want to go on some fun singles vacations and have a fun time without having to care about a boyfriend. I also would like to go to clubs and bars. After the two years pass, I hope to meet "Mr. Right," and get married. When I am married, both my husband and I will maintain decent jobs, but hopefully my husband will be rich and loving at the same time. As the years pass on, maybe two, I would like to have two healthy children, boy(s) or girl(s), that are a year a part. I want them to be close an age so that they can relate to one another better. I also feel that if I were to have only one child, then that child would be very lonely at times.

My portfolio:

  • Essay 1:My Personal Narrative
  • Essay 2:Process Analysis essay
  • Essay 3:Persuasive Essay 1
  • Essay 4:Persuasive essay 2
  • Essay 5
  • Essay 6
  • Essay 7
  • Essay 8
  • Essay 9
  • Essay 10

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