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Keeping Tabs On Tarket

Play Furcadia! Playing

Basic Information

Account/User Name: Tarket
Preferred Activity: OOC ("Out-of-Character") socializing
Preferred Map/Dream: None
Demographics: Adult Male (30s), college educated, married, 2 dogs, no kids
In-Game Affiliations: The Duelists (Member, 1997-1998, as "Merran"), The Circle (Non-member, 1999-2002), The Beekins (Mentors, 2007)

Additional Information

My "In-Game" Interests: While I previously found enjoyment in map building and roleplaying early on, and later writing/storytelling, those activities are no longer as appealing to me. Not because they aren't fun but because they tend to take too much time. Moreover, I don't log on top listen to banal gossip, to be impressed by immature individuals trying to sort out their self-esteem and acceptance issues by annoying others, or to sit in a vegetable patch of players who are perpetually idling from either whispering or being "AFK". In other words, I don't want a "mate", I don't want to rent a fictional condo, and I don't need anyone to pretend to be my "child". If that's what you are into, there is plenty of room on Furcadia and lots of other people looking for the same thing.

My "Out-of-Game" Interests: Lots of things could go here - I just like learning and sharing. I tend to have a particular fondness for international perspectives on just about any issue as well as an interest in current events/politics, science, comparative religion, and the strange/paranormal. But I have nothing against just shooting the breeze. It's a matter of who I am shooting it with. I am not a snob, and I'll chat with new players or old players, but I do have some preferences. One - people who have patience. Who aren't trying to prove anything or show off, unlike those who can't understand why everyone else doesn't automatically see things the way they do. They don't mind explaining things or act condescending to those who request such explanations. Two - people who are willing to share. That is, they will share their views with you and then let you share yours with them. Even if they disagree they are interested in the conversation more so than making a continual effort to prove they must be right. They defend their views well but don't seem to blow a fuse if they can't convince you of them. Three - they are comfortable with themselves. That is, they aren't worried every second about needing to be something or someone, either to fulfill or reject some perceived expectation from society, their family, their friends, etc. Nor do they necessarily reject the roles and obligations imposed or requested by society, family, etc. This doesn't mean not talking about such pressures or never feeling them, but rather about not allowing them to intrude so far as to create a faux personality. Of course, these qualities can be summed up quite simply - they reflect maturity.

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