FRAME EN  - Tarot 2000 artists - Artisti di Tarocchi 2000 - FRAME IT

United States - Stati uniti America - USA


Artist - M. Hall
Mari Hall Mari Hall

La Stella -The Star

L'Imperatrice - The Empress
Mari Hall Mari Hall
La Temperanza - The Temperance La Torre -The Tower
Mari Hall Mari Hall
Il Mago - The Magician

L'Eremita - The Hermit

Copyright © by Mari Hall
Misura delle opere - Variabile
Tecnica - Stampa digitale previa elaborazione manuale e digitale.

Digital and hand medium.
The final art work is digital, computer generated printouts

Contatta l'artista - Artist contact

Testo italiano Breve scheda dell'autore
  • Mari Hall - nata a Boston, Massachusetts - U.S.A.
  • Cresciuta a Los Angeles in un ambiente multi culturale.
  • Frequenta l’università a Santa Barbara, California, dove riscopre le mie inclinazioni artistiche. I suoi soggetti pittorici sono solitamente donne. Come la maggior parte dei artisti esprime nelle pitture una parte di se stessa. Ma ad un livello differente sta esprimendo la rinascita di quella che l’artista chiama il principio femminile: la rinascita di energia femminile e la cura, la cura della donna per l'ambiente, per la famiglia e la consolazione degli altri, unita all'interesse per le antiche civiltà e religioni. Tutti questi temi sono ricorrenti nel lavoro dell’artista. I dipinti recenti riprendono l’antica iconografia della Madonna con bambino. Per approfondire questo tema la Hall ha studiato attentamente uno dei suoi pittori favoriti, Raffaello, analizzandone i suoi dipinti sacri.
  • Oltre all’illustrazione, si dedica al web design, animazioni in Flash e grafia ed è particolarmente interessata a lavorare con altri artisti.
  • Vive e lavora a Seattle, Washington – U.S.A.
United States - Stati uniti America - USA Short author profile
  • Mari Hall -  born in Boston, Massachusetts - U.S.A.
  • At the age of four, my family moved to California. I was raised in Los Angeles and grew up in a multicultural environment. I lived in Los Angeles until I went to college, at which time I moved to Santa Barbara, California. It was in Santa Barbara that I rediscovered my artistic inclinations.
  • My subjects for paintings are usually women. Like most artists, I am expressing a part of myself in my paintings. But on a different level, I am expressing the resurgence of what I like to call "The Feminine Principle". By that I mean, the resurgence of feminine energy and concerns. The concerns for the environment, the issues with family and nurturing of others, the interest in older civilizations and religions, these all point to feminine energy and concerns. These themes are recurrent in my work. Most recently I have been painting Madonna and Child themes. I have a particular fondness for this theme. One of my favorite painters, whom I studied closely when teaching myself to draw and paint, is Raphael. I went back to this painters' work to develop the studies for my recent Madonna paintings. I see the Madonna and Child as symbolic of what is dearest in life, the close bond of love and nurturing between a mother and child. On a more cosmic level, I see this as the basis for our humanity. Expressing love and giving love to one another, caring for our land and protecting all creatures under our dominion, is what I see represented in the simple Madonna and Child imagery.
  • Like many folks today, I do lots of different things. In addition to creating artwork, I also do web site design, Flash animation and graphic design. I am particularly interested in working with other artists. I think the internet is a great way to show one's work to the world. If you are an artist and are want a creatively presented professional web site, please contact me.
  • Live and work in Seattle, Washington - U.S.A.
Mari Hall  - Sito ufficiale - Official site
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