Tarot 2000 artists - Artisti di Tarocchi 2000

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Inglese - English


Artist - Lynda Stevens
Lynda Stevens - The Chalice tarot Lynda Stevens - The Chalice tarot

The Death - La Morte

The Fool - Il Matto
Lynda Stevens - The Chalice tarot Lynda Stevens - The Chalice tarot
The Judgement - Il Giudizio The Lovers - Gli Amanti
Copyright © by Lynda Stevens
The Chalice Tarot
Tecnica: Acrilico su carta
Medium: Acrylic on paper

Contatta l'artista - Artist contact

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Inglese - English Breve scheda dell'autore - short artist curriculum
  • Lynda Stevens- Southampton 1959
  • These samples are part of a full colour set of 78 tarot cards, first conceived and started on in 1986. Frequently each design was reworked several times before the artist was happy with it. In 1995 a thesis of about 45,000 words was written intended to accompany the deck. This pack is a personal interpretation of the tarot but it draws extensively on the artist's knowledge of tarot mythology, astrology and other related occult disciplines. The pack is meant to be a bridge between the traditional interpretations of the Tarot, and seminal futuristic schools of thought on the subject.
  • I have a degree in English/Italian Literature, after having studied for four years at the University of Warwick, and speak four foreign languages - Italian, French, German and Hungarian.
  • My creative path first took root whilst still a student at Warwick. It began with a series of colour abstract drawings, involving intricate patterns and shapes. I did not in any way, want to try and consciously plan what came to me: the images came as a spontaneous, psychic flow of automatistic imagery. In the mid eighties however, I felt that my work could only be enriched through elements of formal training too - for example via life drawing. Accordingly I attended two part-time courses at this time; firstly a diploma in painting at a college in Leamington Spa, then a certificate in Craft Materials, at Coventry University. The latter was particularly important, as it introduced me to the potentials to be found within working in a much wider, more textural scope of media: some of the results of this can be seen on this web site. My reading of more arcane areas of knowledge such as alchemy, Gnosticism and Shamanisn, have also since helped define my understanding of what informs the basic impulses behind all the work that you can view here.
  • In the late Eighties, I began to get involved in artistic groups and collectives based in both Coventry and in Brighton, and also to show solo exhibitions of my own work. My first exhibition in 1990, was called 'Vistas' and was held in Coventry; likewise my second in 1992, called 'Magma'. In 1994, I exhibited as part of a group in Brighton's Bear Cave Gallery, in a show called 'Butterfly Soul.' My latest exhibition was called 'Pearl of the Oyster', and was held in 1998, in Budapest.
  • I have held a professional qualification in Astrology (DMS Astrol.), and spent many years in the early 90's, working at psychic fairs all over the UK, giving both astrological and Tarot readings.
  • I have also run independent workshops in the Tarot and given talks on my Deck, as well as having taught Astrology for two years part-time as an Open Studies lecturer at Coventry University.
  • live and work in Budapest


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