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Success story

In every field of life we have a lot to achieve and if we are able to achieve that, we say we have achieved success. Success means differently to different people. For a student, success means achieving good marks in academics, while for a striving young man, success means getting good and high status job, for a businessman, success is the increase in bank balance or property, while for a house-wife success is a measure of her home management. But whatever may be the meaning of the success, it helps people to achieve happiness. In short, achievement of the basic goal which is set by a particular person is Success.
For anybody to succeed, there are some basic priciples which ought to be followed. First step in the realization of these principles is to understand the course of action for achievement of success. 

Struggling attitude: Everybody has to understand that success never comes without effort. If we wish to gain our target, we have to be competent enough to be worthy of success. The mind should be only occupied with the feeling that we have work hard to make success kiss our feet.

Perfection: Every person who is striving for success, he has to rely on the feeling to be perfect in that particular field. Perfection along with hard work would itself pave the way for success. One has to rise above the average level and set perfect standards for himself.

Get Ready to encounter failures too:
Life does not always go our way. Sometimes there are unexpected failures in our way inspite of hard work and perfection. But we should be strong enough so that no failures can break us. Rather we should treat our failures as our lessons. They be should be accepted as the tests of our patience.
Perfect utilization of time: Whatever time is available at our disposal, should be perfectly utilized because time is precious. Once gone, it will never come back, so the need is to understand the value of time. Don't think that there is enough time and you can do it later. Every second of available time is a measure of our detection of chances of success.

Dedication: No work can be done if we don't put in our sincere and dedicated efforts for the accomplishment of that work. Dedication itself paves the way for success. Whatever we do, should be done with full commitment, after that there will be no looking back. We should try to treat our work as worship and leave the rest in the hands of Almighty. The more we are committed for our goal, the more are the chances of winning.

Desire: The desire to succeed should be our only motto. Humans are made in such a way, that they can achieve whatever they long for because of their intelligent brain. The need is just to set a relevent goal and put all energies for the achievement of that goal. The earnestness of the desire for success will determine the chances of success.
Resposibility: Highly committed people do not shirk from their responsibilities. They come forward to accept resposibilities and such attitude helps them a lot in their course of action. Acceptance of resposibities in an enchanting manner and putting every effort to complete them.

Honesty: The person who wants to succeed in his life has to accept honestly his weaknesses and put every possible effort to red rid of those weaknesses. If a plan is laid for achievement of goals, every effort should be made to attain that. If the schedule is followed honestly, there would be no looking back.