Two Color Rings

From: Suzann
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 22:39:20 -0500 (EST)
Subject: tatting/two color rings

You can get the effect you want by winding the metallic gold on the shuttle and attaching the pearl cotton or ribbon as a ball thread. Make the first ds in the normal way using the shuttle thread. Then with the second thread in chain position make your picot. Move this thread out to the way and make the second ds. You might want to try practicing this using just pearl cotton in two colors. I first saw Pam Palmer do this on her video, but others have suggested this method too. It makes interesting looking rings. You can use more then one "chain" thread, and have picots in two or three colors. Then the picots will overlap rather in the style of Pearl or two sided tatting.

I should have added that the thread for the picots should be held in front of the ring thread, then dropped when you make the next ds. I know, clear as mud.

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