The Taxman's Jacket. A cosplay adventure.
Cosplay. I swear I wouldn't do it. I've seen it done a million times and I admire people who do it. Iam so not the type to do it myself, but with some free time and some damn good encourging people, I did it. X_x.


The Taxman Pictures come from Rated Rex and are used WithOUT premission. I have emailed but got no reply. So forgive for using them otherwise. These pictures were the ones I used overall in the production of this jacket.

 Only thing is what do I tell my friends, when I want to cosplay that very guy on the left. ^_^;;; They just looked at me and walked away. I actually have alot of friends who are into cosplay, of course they cosplay anime or manga characters and really well done and very epic productions. I was told that the Taxman looked ghetto and a waste of time to be done. Nice friends, huh?

But after talking with numerous KmK fans, they were actually really supportive and gave some damn great tips and eventually another fan decided to join the ride as well and make her own jacket. The Taxgirl was rather clever and oftered tips that seemed to obivous but not to me and generally made life easier in this production.

Below are pages that are more indept. Come see my mistakes, triumpts and overall bad sewing. And you know what the kicker is, Taxman isn't even my favorite. ^_^;;; - Vanessa Ayukawa

[x] mistakes [x] items used
[x] finsh ......[x] random pics

email . links . the shrine . plain and simple . aim: taxmanfangirl . guestbook .