Lazy RPStaff! Artist Unknown. Picture from Drakkan Web.
~Lenna - head (
~Queen Nickr - head (

1. Write major plots and minor plots.
2. Approve plot ideas.
3. Maintain ICness and keep things as close to Pern as we can.
4. Approve Gold Rider Applications, HAD Applications, and Persona Sheets.
5. Answer questions.
6. Rock.

1. RP regularly.
2. Have atleast one full rider character.
3. Have been at Tayick for at least two months.
4. Wait 15 days between applying.

To Apply:
1. Ask us.
2. Give us lots of cinnamon rolls and hugs.

Application Process:
1. Write and run one major plot
2. Write and run two minor plots
3. Be tested on how you would approve/disapprove applications.
4. Be tested on how you would handle rule breaking situations.

Have fun!