Artist Unknown. Picture from Drakkan Web
September 19, 2003: Problem with mailing seems to have been fixed. Trusn out, Tayick Weyr's address is case sensitive, so if you're sending in stuff and it isn't working, try capitializing Tayick and Weyr. Should work.
September 5, 2003: Glitch in mailing RPStaff now being fixed, sorry to those of you who tried to mail us and the e-mail bounced. Shouldn't happen again.
September 5, 2003: We've been approved! WOOT!
June 16, 2003: Website is put up! Woot!
~Tayick Weyr has been made!

Lenna's notes: *is just happy they're
finally approved*

Queen Nick's notes: Weeeeee. Up and running! and Legal!!! We rock!!! WHOOP! At any rate, everyone join,a nd start making chars, and apply for things. WEEE