Welcome back! Next Dart League game is January 24th.  See ya there!
Greater Kansas City Association of the Deaf has been very generous in
sponsoring a dart league for the past 4 years.  Now in 5th year of Darts,
this promises to be one of the most exciting year for those of us who
enjoys the game.  I am trying to make this page as exciting as the games
itself, so if you have any ideas, comments, or suggestions on how to improve
this page, please click on my email link with your ideas.
Good luck, play fair, and above all - Have fun!
For those that aren't satisfied with merely one dart league, please check out
our sister league at Olathe Club for the Deaf (OCD) at
Wanted! - Experienced Programmers/Webmaster/Web Designers
MS Access Experts/Web Hosting sharing to help with development of this 
web page.  Deaf or Hearing Impaired preferred, but will accept anyone.
Please contact me if you can help.  No salary available since this website
is privately owned and generated a negative cash flow, after all - Its a
labor of love.
  Latest News

Dart Manners

Calendar of Events

**Deaf Events!**

Thanks to Anthony Golden, Debbie Taylor and Lorrie Boyce for taking the card to Carla.  I've heard from several different sources that Carla really enjoyed the card (and the visit)!!!  Thanks so much to all whom has helped cheered her day up!  Kudos to Antino Shifano for getting 2 (count 'em) hats in one night!  Everyone played a good job, keep it up!

Thanks to all who've participated in the group photos and signed the giant cards for Carla and Raymond.  It sure will brighten their day tremendously!  Now we're at the mid-point of the season and its interesting to see the team that started weak, is now coming around strongly.  Also the team that started strongly is now struggling except maybe for the All American team.  Congrats to all that made progress and please encourage the teams/players that aren't doing so well to play better in the name of sportsmanship!  Everyone did a great job!

Welcome back!  Sorry for the long delay in working on this page, but now the holidays are over and the birds are singing.  Carla McKinley and Raymond McCurdy are recovering from their head injuries and now starting their long rehabilitation.  They are in need of moral support and contact with their friends.  Carla is in Kindred Hospital (formerly Lakeside Hospital) on Troost, Raymond is in Truman Medical Center and is expected to be transferred to Kindred in the very near future.  Now the worst is over, we can expect the dart pages to be updated on regular basis.  See ya all there on Friday!

Wow! there were some Hats flying around last friday!  Congratulations to Jason Warman and Jim Marr for their first hat of the season!  Remember...  Hats thrown in warm-ups or practice does not count!  LOL

Carla McKinley is improving very slowly.  There is talk of weaning her off her medications and off life support and within two weeks, move her into a regular hospital room.  Let's all keep her in our thoughts and prayers.  Congratulations to Frank Brown, Patrick Gibbs, and Richard Shaffer for their first Hat of the season! I don't think this happens too often.  Many of us are pretty dry on Hats, except for our Hat-meister, Anthony Golden.  If he ever stops having an hat or 100's, we know he is having a rough night.  Congrats to all who made one and to those that came pretty damn close to getting one!

There is some tragic news again.  One of our long-standing League member, Carla McKinley, has been in an auto accident over the past weekend.  She has major head trauma and the prognosis is not very good at all.  I have been visiting her almost daily, so if you have any questions about her condition, you can contact me.  Please include her in your prayers.

Dart Pages now updated.  We of GKCAD & Dart League wishes to express our profound sympathies and love to Debbie Taylor in the loss of her father over the past weekend. 

Now the Dart Page is completely updated!  I always try to get this completed by the Saturday or Sunday after the League games, but we all have several life events that interrupts our plans.  Thanks for your patience! :-)

Wow, very busy weekend for all of us!  So many thing has happened that is too much to tell in this small space.  If you have been a student of NTID, either graduating from NTID or has been there for a short while, please contact me!

I apologize for the messy scores from last week.  Thank you for those that helped me corrected them and I will devote more time to making sure they are correct when I entered them.  Trying to fill everything in at last min sure makes a messy dart scores!  I'll post half of the scores tonight and the rest tomorrow night, so be sure to look at the updates dates & make sure they are current.

I've just learned of the very sad tragedy over the weekend with KSD football team.  The team bus has lost control and went over the side of the hill.  Fortunately many players and cheerleaders escaped serious injuries, except for 4 people and Lory Kuschmider who passed away.  We at GKCAD darts wishes to express our profound condolences and love to his wife, children and his friends.  I remember Lory very well and wished I had the opportunity to know him better.  Lory was an outstanding member of the Deaf community and gave his all to Deaf children by being their football coach, house supervisor, and their mentor.  I remember him best for making me laugh as he has the special skills for cracking me up at almost anytime.  Thank you Lory for that precious gift of memories!  Let's all raise a special glass of beer in toast in his honor at Mulligan's!

I'm really running behind on alot of things.  The pages are updated and the news will be resumed this weekend.  Thanks for your patience and concerns!

Thanks to those that are patient with me over the past few weeks.  I've been slow updating the web pages due to my grandmother's death, finding a new apt, packing, and caring for a couple of friends that were in hospital recently.  Phew!  After I move to my new apt, I should be settled in enough to update this web pages more frequently.  :-)  If you're curious, click on this link to see what my new apt looks like!

Important! - There is no dart games for October 4th since most people will be gone to the dart tournament in Minnesota and to MSD for the football Homecoming weekend.  Also no darts on October 11th (forgot why) and darts games will resume on October 18th.  Enjoy those rare two weeks off!

Congratulations to Debbie Taylor for a double hats in one night and to Jeff Lindley for his first hat of the season!

Page updated.  I'm in process of moving, so I'll give a better 'blurbs when I get settled in.

My apologies for not getting this web page updated sooner.  I'm having some difficulties at home, so this blog will be brief.  Congrats to Charles Boles for his first hat of the season!

I'm in mourning for our 9th team - Speedy, which was eliminated because we didn't have enough players to staff that team.

See ya on the 20th!

Amazing!  It feels so good to be playing darts, but I've never experienced playing with 8 teams at the same time.  Talk about organized chaos!  It was totally fun to see old friends playing and new faces.  Many of the Rookies shows tremendous potentials, and the 'Old Timers' players still have not lost their edge.  I'm so stoked and psyched for the 2002-2003 year, which promises to have alot of surprises in store for us.  Keep on tossing those darts. :-)  Congrats to Anthony Golden & Christopher Kurz for starting the season off with a bang with flying Hats!  Anthony racked up one while Christopher was not to be outdone, threw (count 'em) 2 hats!

Many thanks to all of you who have visited this website and gave me your feedback, thoughts, comments and suggestions!  This web page is 1 years old on September 8th.  I couldn't have keep this up without your support & help.  Here's a peek at the stats over the past year.

Unique Visitors-732
Daily average-2
Most Visitor in one Day- 16 on September 11, 2001
Weekly average-13
Highest Week-66
Average Monthly visit-56
Highest visit in a month-141 on September, 2001
Countries that visited: USA, United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore, Australia, Germany, Russia
Most Popular Web Browser: MS Internet Explorer 5.0 80.92% (upgrade to 6.0!)
Most Popular Operating System: Windows 98 50% (Anyone wants to upgrade me to XP???)
Most Popular Screen Resolution: 800x600

Thank you so much for visiting.  Please come back often & show your support!

Huh? Abso-freaking-lutely outstanding!!  We have, count 'em, NINE (9) teams this year!  I remember my first year, we had 4 teams.  Second year 6 teams, third year 7 teams.  Fourth year is 7 teams again, but NINE???  Not only that, our sister league at OCD is starting off with a huge bang with 7 team.  Granted that half of the players on both OCD and GKCAD league are die hard dart freaks like me, Anthony, Gary, Charles, Kim, to name a few. :-)  If you haven't tried darts, stop by your local deaf club and check it out.  It's cheaper and more satisfying than drug, booze, and sex.  Well, almost! :-P

Welcome back Folks!  Sorry I didn't update the page over the summer.  I admit that maintaining a dart league page was the farthest thing on my mind.  I'm pleased to say that the summer is behind me now and we can get on with the serious (and fun) business of playing DARTS!  There is now 2 (Yep, count 'em, TWO!) Deaf Dart League in the Greater Kansas City metropolitan area!  Olathe Club for the Deaf (OCD) is hosting one on Wednesday night and Greater Kansas City Association of the Deaf (GKCAD) remains the popular hot spot on Fridays.  Please come to both and join us in fun. 

How does Lorrie Boyce does it?  This amazing lady is an officer of the M.A.A.D., Presidnt of OCD, Chairwoman of OCD Dart League, Web mistress of OCD webpage AND OCD Dart League webpage, not to mention numerous committee, clubs, and associations.  All that and plenty of brains packed into a small frame.  Phew, and I just get worn out from typing all that.  Please give her a generous vote of appreciation!



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