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Official Number: 005
Singh tells Glaze that if he grasses him up, he'll take Glaze with him. Chandler finds out that the right-wing march through the Asian community has been re-routed rather than banned altogether. He asks Conway to talk to the Asian community leaders for him,  preferring to spend the afternoon with Spears. Three students on a ragweek from Canley Tech give trouble to  Bradford and Taviner, who uncover a series of crimes perpetrated by the gang and confusing clues as to where they will strike next. PC Nick Klein and Hollis work out the clues, and when Hollis points out that Taviner's car (stolen for the purpose of the robbery) would be at the arcade to be hit, Taviner and Hollis go to reclaim it, only to end up staring down the barrel of a Magnum (which turns out to be fake.) Taviner's car is smashed up in the following chase. DC Mickey Webb offers to go to the community meeting, not knowing that Chandler has other plans. Webb arrives at the centre (after declining a lift from Harry the eaves-dropping, motor-bike riding decorator) to find Conway there instead. Conway succeeds in placating the leaders, but Webb is powerless to prevent two thugs on a motorbike from throwing a petrol bomb through Conway's car window. *sniff* Bye-bye, Derek, we'll miss you!
Notice: Sorry, folks, next week's update will be late, I'm away. Sorry, but I never pass up a chance to meet TB cast! ;o)
Also apologies about the boring background, I haven't had time to find a nice one yet.