
Christine's Mom

My mom is a wonderful person. As is the case with a lot of Teenagers, I didn't appreciate my mom much. Now that I'm an adult I apreciate all she did for us and I understand how difficult things must have been for her. My mom was a teenage mother. I know that is quite a common thing now, It it was fairly common in the 70's too. And Unless you too were/are a teenage mother I don't think you realize how difficult it must be to be a good mother at that age. My mom had her problems, but thanks to the love and support of her mom My brother and I had great childhood. I myself cannot image the hardships and sacrifices my mother had to deal with. I am now 27 years old and I cannot imagine having a ten year old and and eight year old to raise.

My mom finally has this mom business down. She is one of the busiest most involved mothers I know. My sister Jennifer is almost 15. And if mom's not running her to volleyball practice, basketball practice, quiz team practice, or piano lessons. She's going to a game, quiz meet, teaching sunday school or Pioneer Club, or at a Ladies meeting at the Church, or Volenteering at the local Pregnancy Center. I am in awe of all that she does. Even though she's involved in a lot of activities she is still there for all of us kids. Terry and I spend every friday night at her house and every saturday morning when I get up to go to work she cooks me breakfast. Not cold cereal mind you, cooked breakfast of some kind. Jenny usually gets up just before I leave and she cooks breakfast for her too, usually somthing different than what she and I had 30 min earlier. Then, when Terry gets up an hour later she offers to cook him breakfast too, (although he declines because he's not a breakfast eater when he first gets up, but every week she still offers!) Is that a mom or what!

So, mom, if you ever get online and read this, I want you to know that I love you and appreciate you more than you know. I hope when I finally become a mom that I can remember the good examples that you've shown me. But, make sure you stick around to remind me too!

Mother's Day Index Peg,Terry's Mom Thelma, Chris' Grandma

© 1997 Christine

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