Welcome to the Official Website  of Mr. Big Orange!!

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 This is just stupid

 screw you school internet filter!!

Welcome to the official web page of Mr. Big Orange!


WELCOME! You have found your way to possibly least influential web site in the nation. Although it may not change your life, it will undoubtedly allow you to waste a reasonable amount of time. I've dedicated my life (or at least the hours I save by not doing my homework...) to this simple page in the hopes that people like you will have something when your bored out of your mind. Mr. Big Orange will allow you to forget your problems, responsiblities for a few minutes as well as incresase your knowledge of large fruit everywhere. So this little character that I've created is not just a large circle with a foot, no, he is much more than that....he is a part of us all....so, please, sit back, enjoy, and try to put up with this page 'cause frankly...I have NO idea what I'm doing....





Now, hold on a minute, before you take off on your little adventure through the life and

times of Mr. Big Orange, offer a hand of congratulations to him for receiving

the distinguished honor of....




