Episode List (DIC)

Here is a little bit of my input of the episodes:  =) - very funny   * -romantic

1. A Moon Star is Born =)

28. Tuxedo Melvin * =)

55. The Cosmetic Caper **

2. Talk Radio   

29. Sailor V Makes the Scene  

56. Sailor Mercury Moving On?

30. A Cystal Clear Destiny *******

3. Slim City  

57. Gramps in a Pickle  =)

4. So You Want to be a Superstar  

31. A Reluctant Princess 

58.Trouble Comes Thundering Down

5.Computer School Blues  

32. Bad Hair Day  *  

59. A Charmed Life

6.Time Bomb  

33. Little Miss Manners  

60. A Curried Flavor *

7. An Uncharmed Life =)

34. Ski Bunny Blues  =) 

61. Naughty N' Nice

8. Nightmare in Dreamland   =)  

62. Prediction of Doom

35. Ice Princess *

9. Cruise Blues   =)  

63. Enemies No More

36. Last Resort *

10. Fight to the Finish

37. Tuxedo Unmaked  *   

64. Checkmate

11. Match Point for Sailor Moon

65. Sibling Rivalry

38. Fractious Friends  =)

66. Rubeus Evens the Score

12. An Unnatural Phenomena =)

39. The Past Returns *

40. Day of Destiny  ****

13. Wedding Day Blues  *  

67. Rubeus Strikes Out

68. The Secret of the Luna Sphere

14 Shutter Bugged   

41. The Return of Sailor Moon =)

15. Dangerous Dollies

69. Emerald Takes Over

42. So You Want to be in Pictures

16. Who is that Masked Man? 

43. A Knight to Remember **

70. Promises Fulfilled ***

71. No Thanks Nurse Venus  = )

17. An Animated Mess 

44. VR Madness * =)

18. Worth a Princesses's Ransom  *

72. Dog Day for Artemis =)

45. Cherry Blossom Time

46. Kindergarden Chaos  =)

73. Smart Payoff

19. Molly's Folly

47. Much Ado About Babysitting *

20. A Friend in Wolf's Clothing  * * 

74. Child's Play

48. Raye's Day in the Spotlight

21. Jupiter Comes Thundering In  

75. Future Shocked

22.The Power of Friendship *

50. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

76.Legend of the Negamoon ***

49. Food Fetish  =)

23. Mercury Mental Match * =)

77. Jealousy's Just Reward

24. An Artful Attack 

78. Birth of the Wicked Lady

51. Dentention Doldrums

25. Too Many Girlfriends  

52. Secret Garden *

79. Brotherly Love  *

26. Grandpa's Follies 

53. Treed  ***

80. Diamond in the Rough *

54. Serena Times Two  *** =)      

27. Kitty Chaos   * 

81. Final Battle  *

82. Follow the Leader   =)