SuccessNow Goals of Cohort Academic Advising (A Learning Approach) Include:

(Create SuccessNow Learning Community Cohort Academic Advising Teams – advisors, educational case managers, faculty, and academic support staff around each cohort of learning community students.)


Develop Student Decision-Problem Solving Skills that Reinforce Student Self Direction:

All steps of academic advising are teaching the student skills for becoming self-reliant.

·         Decision Making skills

·         Problem Solving skills

·         Critical Thinking Skills


Since advising is teaching, advising must have a student learning focus:

Patricia Cross: steps in achieving a student learning focus include:

·         identification of the intended learning outcomes,

·         development of a system for measuring the achievement of outcomes,

·         curriculum which is built backward from the intended outcomes,

·         a wide range of options for achieving the intended outcomes, and,

·         continual and systematic investigation into alternative methods for empowering students to learn.


At-Point-of-Assessment Advising

·         Precision Scheduling

·         Developmental advisor training

·         Precision advising

·         Educational Case Manager connects student to resources (fin. aid, etc.)


All Semester and Early Advising

SuccessNow Academic Cohort Advising Team: Academic Success, Reading, Writing course instructors, along with educational case manager advise students as a team.


Career and Educational Planning

·         clarify their life and career goals;

·         develop suitable educational plans;

·         select appropriate courses and complementary educational experiences;

·         interpret institutional requirements;


Integrated Student/Academic Support Career Pathways

·         Developmental Advising

·         Counseling

·         Educational Case Managers

·         CREW Center

·         Academic Success Course

·         ULTRA

·         Student Work Programs

·         Service Learning

·         Student Career ePortfolios

·         Web Portal to answer 80-90% of student questions


Support services in the institution:

Integrated Student/Academic Support

Learning Assistance

·         Tutoring

·         Supplemental Instruction

·         Learning Center

·         Writing Center

·         Math Lab

·         Academic Success Course

·         Library


Support services in the community

                        What are they? Like the shadow, only Rhonda, Joni, and Daniel know.

                        How do student connect community services?


Early Warning/Intervention: create a plan for identifying at-risk students and intervention/referral resources – coordinated under educational case managers.


___ Absent more than one day during the first two weeks of class.

                                    ___ Consistently late for class.

                                    ___ Does not participate in class.

                                    ___ Leaves class early.

Academic reasons for referral

                                    ___ Under-prepared for class.

                                    ___ Lack of preparation/withdrawal from classroom activities.

                                    ___ Lack of preparation/withdrawal from classroom activities.

                                    ___ Decline in quality of assignments/test performance.

                                    ___ Difficulty with assignments.

                                    ___ Difficulty with note taking, test taking and study skills

                                    ___ Difficulty with writing assignments

                                    ___ Difficulty with math assignments

Non-academic reasons for referral

                                    ___ Illness

                                    ___ Overt statements regarding difficulties.

                                    ___ Overt changes is demeanor (i.e. anxiety, aggression, etc                   ___ Work conflicts

                                    ___ Family Conflicts


Evaluate Student Progress Toward their Goals:

Create a way to define a pathway,

Identify the milestones along the way that show students the route from where they are to a different place they want to be;

Create structured plan for evaluating the progress based on plan and milestones.