Still Working - 4/30/00

I've finally got something to show for all of this "work" I've been doing. If you check out the products page, and have a peek at the gaming systems, you'll see sort of how our system pages should end up. Hopefully, we'll add a system configurator to the site so everyone who's interested in modifying the base systems can do so. Another small but important update by me.


Almost There! - 4/25/00

All of this hard work is actually starting to pay off! I hope everyone had a great Easter holiday, and it feels good to get back to work. Tyler and I have been in a working "slump" lately and we're getting back into the swing of things as more and more of our systems are being configured and priced. Soon we should have all of those up here, and hopefully start getting some orders lined up with people who have "pre-ordered" with us (mainly people in our home town). Thank you.


Progress is Being Made... - 4/12/00

Tyler and I are working hard to work out all of the kinks we find in the HTML source as well as in alignment problems, graphics, etc. If you notice something, in your specific browser, or in general, please contact us. We'd appreciate any advice or help you could give us as well. I hope to have all of the systems configured and priced by the end of the month, at which time we'll start to look into buying our own domain name and email aliases.


Working on Products Page - 4/8/00

Hey everyone. Should have the product link and page up tonight if I hurry up, so if you're planning on ICQing me it had better be severely important!! Thanks.


The Page is UP!!! - 4/8/00

After many hours of hard work the main page is finnally looking like it is supposed to. If you like this page, click here and send the good comments. We have had help from various people and would like to recognize them now... To John Sellers for all the NAGGING and dream bashing... Your keeping it real. To Curve for fixing our little problems when we occasionally have them. The links to the main page will soon follow so don't get in a tissy.


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All prices, specifications, and availibility of products is subject to change without notice. Davis & Murphy Co. is not responsible for typographical errors. Respective owners of system components posses authoritative property rights to all trademarks or service marks.