50 Signs You Go to UConn...
1. You know that Johnathan is the shit
2. Uconn basketball = traffic
3. every semester you bitch about peoplesoft
4. you have over $100 in tickets
5. you're never sure which 'student number' to give
6. if you're a girl you'll tan in the north quad. if you're a guy, you'll watch the girls tan in the north quad.
7. you miss more class then you attend
8. you refer to Huskies as "Slutskies," but you still think it's the best bar on campus.
9. you have almost been killed by construction equipment
10. you didn't vote for USG
11. you wonder how much worse the bus service could be
12. the first thing out of your mouth fall semester is "i can't wait for spring weekend."
13. You've walked the rape trail.
14. You wanna kill the guy who invented the "W" class
15. you can't understand why an HIV research center is in the same building as a cafeteria.
16. You have received at least 10 letters informing you about the meningitis vaccine, even when you've been immunized.
17. you've considered going to NH to buy beer
18. you're on AIM right now
19. you wonder why they need a field in hartford.
20. you live for DB-mart or store 24
21. you dont associate with the people on the "other side" of 195.
22. half of the time you eat, someone swipes for you.
23. you've had a best friend that moved across campus and now you don't talk to them anymore.
24. you've waited in line for half an hour to get south's "comfort food."
25. you wonder why the cafeterias hire mentally challenged people and ex-convicts.
26. you can spot a freshman a mile away.
27. you've waited 20 minutes to get on an exercise machine at the field house.
28. you think its perfectly acceptable to drink on a sunday or monday night.
29. you have at least 5 TA's who dont speak english (even if they're english teachers).
30. your advisor doesn't know you exist
31. you've picked up the daily campus just to do the crossword puzzle
32. you hate philip austin even though you've never met him.
33. the words Von Der Mehden make you sleepy.
34. 50% of the basketball team has been arrested.
35. you've memorized the numbers to Wings and DP dough.
36. you forget X-lot is really a parking lot.
37. it confuses you when people say theyre going to THE website.
38. you've missed the last 3 weeks of your huge lecture class
39. you've ridden the husky dog
40. you don't see how North is now dry
41. you've heard "West is best" and know its not true.
42. you know "in the zone" isn't a state of mind.
43. you've been screwed over by ResLife more than twice.
44. your heater either makes your room freezing or a thousand degrees.
45. you think spring weekend should be a national holiday
46. you have been to a frat house named after a color.
47. you're from CT, Mass, or NY
48. you know how to pronounce "Emeka Okafor"
49. you have to leave class at least 20 minutes before it starts to make sure you get there on time.
50. you know the difference between beer pong and beiruit