Name _________________________

The Slithering, Quivering, Invertebrates
Scavenger Hunt


You are going deep-sea diving to hunt down some facts about invertebrates.  When you have gathered all your information, you will use it to create a project to share your information with your fellow divers.
Scavenger Hunt Questions:

1.  What is the scientific family name of fresh water sponges?

2.  Explain how sponges obtain food and oxygen.


3.  The volume of water passing through a sponge can be enormous, up to ________________ times its volume in 24 hours.

4.  Explain how sponges can be carnivorous.



5.  Where are carnivorous sponges found? ________________________

6.  What do you find the most interesting fact you learned from this site?


7.  Cnidaria is the name for a group of invertebrates. List two members of this group.

    __________________________   _________________________________
8.  What does cnidos mean in Greek?  ________________________________

9.  What characterizes (What are they like?) Cnidarians?

10. Describe cnidarians.


11. What is the scientific name for jellyfish?

12. List three results of a jellyfish sting.
    _____________________________  ___________________________


13. Describe the size range of jellyfish.

14. Click on All Jellyfish Slide Show. Draw one of the Jellyfish shown and label it with its name.

15. What is the scientific name of the broadfish tape worms?

16. When one eats raw or under cooked fish containing these tape worms, what are some of the symptoms a person might exhibit?


17. Where in the U.S. can fish be found containing these worms? The east coast?
18.  In 1980 three physicians ended up with these fish tapeworms. What did they eat that contained the worms?
    Sushi (a raw fish dish) What kind of fish had they eaten?

Click on Come See For Yourself.  Next, click on Compare the Giant Squid with Another Large Squid.

Then, Click on The World’s Biggest Vertebrate.

19. What is the world’s largest invertebrate?

20. How big does the giant squid get?
21. Giant squids live mostly at what depths?

22. List 3 kinds of echinodemata.

    ____________________   ____________________   ________________________
23. Click on the starfish in blue letters. What is the scientific name for starfish?
24. How do starfish move?  ______________________

25. What do starfish eat?   ______________________

Barbara Jones, Technology Integration Specialist
Revised 7/29/01
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