Mrs. Wright's
AP Psychology

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Purpose of the Course

The purpose of the AP Psychology course is to introduce students to the scientific study of the mental processes and behavior of humans. Major subfields within the discipline of psychology will be covered. Students should set the goal of preparing for and taking the national Advanced Placement Exam that will be given in May.


Please cover your book. Textbooks intended for college use are not very sturdy. You will need to treat your book gently or the cover and binding will begin to fall apart.

Course Objectives

Course Policies

  1. Respect for all is expected and demanded. You do not need to agree with everyone or all opinions, however, you must respect them.
  2. Be honest. Cheating will not be accepted or tolerated. It is not worth risking your integrity and reputation. Trust is very difficult to regain.
  3. There will be daily reading assignments. Do the reading and take notes on important points and/or questions that you habe. Be prepared to fully participate in class discuaasions. Announced and unannounced quizzes will occur. If you put in the effort to stay on top of the material you will be able to be successful in this class. If you want to perform will on my tests you MUST read the book.
  4. Turn in all assignments on time. Assignments are due at the beginnign of the class period. I am aware that you are taking many difficult classes and are involved in many activities. Therefore you will need to be organized and plan your time. You will usually have more than one day to complete all except the smallest assignments. Late assignments are worth ½ credit and will only be accepted for one week past the due date OR whenever the corrected assignments are returned to the rest of the class. For review assignments (fill-in-th-the-blank, matching type work) NO late work will be accepted. Major projects decrease in value by one full letter grade for each school day it is late.
  5. Plan ahead. If you will be absent for a known reason (student council, college visit, dentist appointment) you need to make arrangements with me in advance. If you miss an in-class activity, you will need to arrange a time to make it up (usually after school). If you are absent for only one day, be prepared to take any missed quiz or test on the day that you return. For more extended absences we will meet and set reasonable deadlines for makeup work.

Hints and Suggestions

  1. Attend class daily. your presence in class is very important. We will be going beyond what is covered is the textbook. Simply getting notes from a friend is not the same experience as participating in class yourself.
  2. Do all assignments and reading on time. This is important enough to be mentioned twice.
  3. Review your notes and vocabulary daily. Even spending 10 minutes each day reviewing will make a huge difference in being prepared for chapter tests and the AP Exam in May.
  4. Seek help! I am very willing to meet with you outside of class time to assist you with class work. By working together we can resolve most problems that you might be experiencing.


I use a point system and I do not curve grades. I set high standards for my students. If everyone meets or exceeds the standards, everyone will earn high grades. Because this is and AP class (with weighted grades), you may find it difficult at first. Do not panic! With hard work and dedication grades will always go up as the year progresses.

100-97 A+ 70-77 C+
96-93 A 76-73 C
92-90 A- 72-70 C-
89-87 B+ 69-67 D+
86-83 B 66-63 D
82-80 B- 62-60 D-
Below 60= F

Contact Me

My classes are in Room 204. My prep periods are 2nd and 6th hour. I am also available after school most days.

You can also call me or send me an e-mail. My phone number at Central is (414)604-3100, voice mail extension 6204.
Click here to send me an email.