TSI 2006 Assignment Sheet



Performance Presentations

Michael’s Performance Class

There will be two group work assignments -- a dumb show and a box set
exercise. Both will be assigned during one of our five sessions and
due on the fifth session for in-class presentations.



Performance Presentations

Caleen’s Performance Class

You will be assigned some lines of text to explore through performance.  Your five classes with Caleen will consist of techniques that enable you to workshop your piece.  It’s not about acting.  The emphasis is on discovering the text by experiencing it on your feet.  Class number five will be a culminating celebration and sharing of work.


Library Project

                   Due: Monday, July 17th



Primary Source Materials

Two primary source “mini-lessons”:  identify 1-6 pages of two different primary sources that teachers may find useful in the classroom.  Include a descriptive paragraph about the source and three brief teaching ideas from three TSI teachers. 

Examples:  http://www.folger.edu/eduPrimSrcArch.cfm?cid=

We will discuss:  in curriculum sessions July 12/13

Due:  Friday, July 21


Lesson Plans

One complete lesson plan on Julius Caesar and two complete lesson plans that focus on Macbeth, Tempest, and/or Shakespeare’s sonnets.  These should be written up using Folger lesson plan format.  You will pull teaching ideas from the different Institute sessions together to create these plans, which may incorporate primary sources or performance.  Caesar will be a group project.

Examples:  http://www.folger.edu/lessonplans

We will discuss:  in curriculum session July 17

Due:  Monday, July 24


Final Performances


Due: Friday, July 28th
TSI 2006 Due Dates



Tuesday, July 11th                     Performance Presentations Due


Monday, July 17th                     Library Project Due


Friday, July 21st                        Primary Source Materials Due:  Take two of your Primary Sources; write up one paragraph describing the source, identify pages to digitize, and include three teaching ideas from three different teachers


Saturday, July 22nd                  Rehearsal in Theatre (sign up for times)


Sunday, July 23rd                     Rehearsal in Theatre (sign up for times)


Rehearsal is optional but you will have the chance to sign up for times to rehearse your performance presentations over the weekend.  We will pass a sign-up sheet around in homeroom.


Monday, July 24th                     Lesson Plans Due:  Write up three complete lesson plans, using the format modeled at www.folger.edu/lessonplans -- Title/Name and Institution/Plays and Scenes Covered/NCTE Standards Covered/What’s On and Why/What to do/What you need/How did it go?  ALL QUOTES FROM PLAYS SHOULD BE FROM THE NEW FOLGER EDITIONS – USE THE COPIES OUTSIDE HC3 TO LOOK THESE UP


Tuesday, July 25th                     Performance Presentations Due:  You will find out more about this in Caleen’s or Michael’s classes


Wednesday, July 26th               Lesson Plan Presentations Due:  You will present one of your lessons to the group.  We may decide we want to see all the Caesar lessons together, or we may open it up for you to choose your favorite


Friday, July 28th                        Final Performances:  As assigned in performance workshops