S.A.F.A.R.I. is an acronym for Students And Families Are Responsible & Informed.

This 3-ring binder houses EVERYTHING students and parents need to keep up-to-date with what is going on at school.

This SAFARI notebook is very important!  It will help to teach the students good organizational skills they can use through the years.
Zipper Pouches--Money & Pencils: This pocket is where you will put money for field trips, lunch, or book orders.  I will also keep 2 sharpened pencils here for homework or notes.

Sheet Protector: This is where you will find our class schedule, procedures, and contact information.

Daily Behavior Chart: On this chart I will keep track of your child's behavior daily.  Green= Excellent,  Yellow= OK,  Red= Bad.   If it is a RED day I will send you a note explaining the behavior.  I will need for you to initial this chart EACH day so that I know you saw it.  If you have any questions about their behavior you can feel free to call me or send me a note in the notebook paper section.
On this chart you will have a box to check if you leave me a note.  Also, their will be a box checked if your child has homework or a permission slip that needs to be signed. I

Notebook Paper--Teacher/Parent Communication: This section will be for notes between you and me.  Please stress to your child that this is ONLY for the teacher and parent to write in. I will be writing notes to you in this section and looking from notes from you here also.  PLEASE DATE EACH ENTRY!! Check daily and I will do the same for you.  I would also ask that you leave any notes that we write in the notebook so that we can look back over any communications we have had. This will help me remember what we have discussed and when we discussed it.  I initial all notes that I have read and I will ask that you do the same!  That way we know our notes have been read, even when no response is necessary.

Green Folder--Right Back to School & Left At Home:   Notes from the school, the monthly newsletter, and fabulous work done by your student will be in the Left at home side of the folder.  This needs to be cleaned out nightly!!  On the Right back to school side you will find permission slips, homework that needs completed, book orders,  and any forms that office needs filled out.  Signed forms and completed homework will be put back into this side of the folder and sent back to school.  Please make sure that everything has been put back in before the SAFARI notebook is put back into the student's book bag.